Chapter 7: What the ❤️ wants!! Part 1

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This chapter is quite long and will be divided into parts. I wanted to talk about how they met and what they were feeling.

Can Divit was a man who recognized at an early age that he was not going to freely give his heart away. His mother hurt him with her abandonment and his dad had attempted to make up for it but nothing he did could heal his shattered heart. He spent his time focused on his career and turning his body into a well oiled machine. He realized that women of all ages if he were to be honest, found him attractive and he used that to his advantage in his earlier years and slept with lots of women, a new one each time he visited a new city, country or continent.  He could move from woman to woman easily because his heart was never a part of the equation. As he got older he found Polen, who was beautiful and didn't mind what he did when they weren't together so they kind of settled into a relationship of sorts. He knew that as time, years passes that she wanted more from him but he never felt her in his heart.  He visited her a few times a year or she visited him and they would hook up but she mainly wanted to go out and be seen. He grew tired of this and began to stop the visits all together.

When he was asked to return to run his father's agency he hesitated and picked up the phone to tell his dad no, but something made him change his mind. So he headed home to what he wasn't sure but he was confident enough to handle it he felt. But was he wrong, so wrong. As soon as he walked in the agency he was swarmed by staff with questions for him about campaigns and finances. He almost ran to his office so he could have some privacy and clear his head. He was running his hands through his hair when a small knock came from his door. He almost shouted for whomever it was to leave him alone and just give him a minute to think. But he looked up and his eyes were upon the most beautiful woman he had ever seen, and he had travelled the world. This woman was bringing him cai, his beloved drink. He thought "damn, what could be better than this beautiful woman bringing me my favorite drink".  The woman greeted him with "Can Hey, I have brought your cai, your dad said it was your favorite". She added no one else here drinks cai but me so I was happy to make it for you, I hope you enjoy and welcome to the agency". Can Divit was speechless, the way she said his name and that sexy Bey had his heart jumping from his chest. For the first time in his life he didn't know what to say or do so he smiled in response to her words. Sanem sat down his cai and introduced herself as the bring and take girl and told him to not hesitate to let her know if he needed more cai.  She turned and left with a smile if her own.

Can stared at the door long after she had disappeared. He repeated her name "Sanem, Sanem Sanem" as he drank his cai, which he discovered was the best he had ever tasted so he would definitely be calling on Sanem to bring him more. Can thought to himself in that moment, ** maybe coming home was not so bad after all.***

Can had been back a few weeks and he grew more and more infatuated and fascinated by Sanem every day. He sat at his desk struggling to come up with a slogan fora campaign he was working on when she arrived with his cai. ** What perfect timing and just what I need, Sanem and cai*** Sanem could see he was feeling stressed and asked if he was okay and if she could help in any way. Can explained that he was working on a campaign for a sporting goods company, which he was familiar with much of their equipment but neither he nor his team could come up with a good slogan. He explained the name of the company was Compass Sports. Can had an idea just then to take the agency on a camping trip where they could use the equipment and hopefully come up with a slogan that would satisfy the owner. Sanem smiled and said that sounded like a great idea and that she was sure that he and his team would come up with the perfect slogan while camping out in nature. Can saw the smile on her face when she talked about nature and immediately knew that Sanem must attend the camping trip as well. He couldn't wait to spend some quality time with Sanem getting to know her better.

He discovered that Sanem loved nature and knew more about plants and flowers than anyone he had ever met. **She is amazing, I wonder if she has a boyfriend, I don't see a ring**  He also discovered that she was not much of a drinker so when someone gave her some "fruit punch" she became even more loose and carefree and he thought she was even more beautiful. She staggered towards him and in a slurred whisper told him that "he had beautiful eyes and was a very handsome man". She giggled while she said this as if it was a big secret. Can couldn't help his smile in response to her words and whispered back that he thought she "was very beautiful and he could easily get happily lost in her eyes". She fell asleep immediately and he had to catch her so she wouldn't fall to the ground. He lifted her, easily as she was so petite and carried her to her tent. He tucked her in her sleeping bag and couldn't resist kissing her on her forehead before exiting her tent to enter his own. He did so with a beaming smile and a renewed purpose to get to spend as much time with her as he possibly could.

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