Chapter 5: Huma

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Huma arrived at the agency, early for Huma who never had to work a day in her spoiled life. She was not earlier than Cey Cey who spotted her immediately. He ran straight to Can's office to inform the love birds that the evil lady had just waltzed in like she owned the place.
Can was prepared as was Sanem but if she were completely honest she was a bit anxious. She couldn't help but be hurt knowing that Can's mother was so against them, even though Can had explained that Huma was never a mother to him and that he had never felt love from or towards her. Can and Sanem were focused on their upcoming projects as planned when Huma breezed in as if she was meant to be there. Huma waited for Can to greet her with cheek kisses or acknowledgement as his mother, but he barely looked up from his files. Sanem was fidgeting with her hands under the desk and Can intertwined his hand with hers in comfort. She smiled in response but not so big that Huma noticed, not that she was even sparing the "tea girl" a glance.
Huma demanded that Sanem bring her a coffee since "it was her job". Sanem stood up, almost as a reflex but Can insisted that she sit down. Can went on to explain to Huma that Sanem was no longer the "tea girl" but a copywriter and a wonderful one at that. Can smiled at Sanem as he said this, and Sanem returned his smile. Can went further by telling Huma that he didn't know why he was telling her this because it was none of her business. Can informed Huma that his not the agency's business was not hers. He told her that she could arrange to visit with Emre after work but she was no longer welcome at the agency.
Huma, the diva she is, placed her hand on her chest in shock at Can's words. She reminded Can that she still had shares in the agency. Can was quick to remind her that her shares were more minimal and if no concern to him. He dismissed her at returned to his seat next to Sanem. Huma glared at Sanem and said "this is all your fault, you have brainwashed my son." Huma looked to Can, " what is it about her, Can? Is she that good in bed? She is not your first lover, so?" Both Can and Sanem were enraged with Huma's words. Can stood up to retort but Sanem placed her hand on his shoulder as if to say "I got this, my love". Sanem stood and walked towards Huma, her eyes never wavering from her pinched face. She politely informed Huma that if she thought she was going to scare her or intimidate her by talking about Can's past relationships she was mistaken. She then said "I am well aware of his past and it doesn't matter to me ( she looked to Can) or to us". "We are in love and we don't have secrets between us". Huma was appalled and looked to Can saying " you can't seriously love this lowly girl, Can she is so beneath you. You are a world famous photographer who has been welcomed by the top of society and could have any woman he desires". Can stood then and said "enough Huma,  you are right I am a famous photographer but hanging with snobby people who look down at others is not and has never been who I am. I have finally found what my heart and mind have always wanted and needed desperately, true love and acceptance for me Can as a man not for what I do. Sanem and I found one another by the grace of God and I will NEVER let her go." Sanem had tears in her eyes and nodded in agreement. She then approached Huma and told her "you can try, as others have, to separate us with your disapproval but we will stand strong in our love for each other. Now that we have found one another, the past no longer matters. You are the only family member to not approve of us being together so that's on you just know that we don't care for or NEED your approval!! Sanem grabbed Can's hand, he kissed her hand,placed his finger from his free hand under her chin and gave her a passionate  kiss, smiled and walked out the door. Huma just stood flopped down on the coach in utter disgust and have humiliation for just a few seconds and made her way into Emre's office to get him to talk some sense into Can.

Emre greeted his mother and asked her what she was doing here at the agency. Huma retold what had just occurred in Can's office and asked Emre, "surely you do not approve of such a girl". Emre replied with "well yes mother I do. Sanem is very creative and a necessary part of this agency. She makes my brother very happy and they love one another. I could not want anything more for my big brother." Huma looked at Emre with wide eyes but said nothing. Emre then added, " I guess now is as good a time as ever to tell you that I am married to Leila, who is Sanem's older sister". Huma fell to the floor without another word.

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