Chapter 15: A Beautiful Life ❤️

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Time jump....... Baby time!!

Sanem is 36 weeks pregnant and is feeling miserable and huge!! She is staying home 3 days a week and waddling her way into the agency for at least half the day the other two. Can was radiating happiness everywhere he went. He was staying right with Sanem every step of the way, whether it be at home or at the agency.  She was never far from his sight or reach, which is just how he liked it.
Things had calmed down after the surprise visit from Huma and Polen with not another word being heard by either of them. Can was so proud of his wife for standing up for herself and telling the two vile women off in her own way. He took her home right after they walked out and they celebrated in the bedroom for the remainder of the evening. They were as in love now as ever if not more so. And getting ready to bring their bundle of joy into the world was just the icing on the cake!!
The nursery was ready, bags packed for both Sanem and baby Deniz with an assortment of neutral colored clothing for their precious baby. Both Can and Sanem were secretly hoping for a girl. Can wanted to have a little princess to spoil and love and Sanem wanted to sees big, burly man like Can doing things like playing with dolls with their daughter, cause she knew he would without hesitation.
Friends and family were so happy for the couple who have been through so much but have withstood it all because of their love for one another. Those that knew Sanem knew she would be a wonderful mother because if her big heart and caring nature. Friends of Can just sit back with looks of amazement and astonishment with the changes in him from being a lonely man who chose to be alone and travel to a happily married man and soon to be father. Those super close to Can however, knew this is the life he was destined for and had no doubts about his abilities ASA husband and father. Sanem was one of these people and had the utmost faith in Can and them as husband and wife and parents.
At home one evening, Sanem was experiencing some pain and as she got up to walk to ease this pain she was surprised as her water broke. Can who was sitting behind Sanem in the couch jumped up to assist her. He was overjoyed because he knew it was time for their baby. Can picked Sanem up and rushed her to the truck so he could get her to the hospital. He called the doctor on the way so that she could be prepared for Sanem. He called Mevkibe and Leyla as well as Aziz so that the family could be present as well. This was an emotional time for the two of them but they held hands and during quiet moments they assured one another of there undying love and devotion to one another as well as their baby.
Upon arrival at the hospital, Sanem's contractions were about 5 minutes apart and she was in indescribable pain. Her doctor was ready and waiting for her
They immediately took her to a deliver room and quickly had Can put on a gown so he could be with her. Can could hear Sanem screaming and crying from pain and it tore his heart into pieces. He rushed into the delivery room to be at Sanem's side and to hold her hand and kiss her face and lips. He encouraged her to breathe and to push when her doctor instructed her to do so. Sanem's labor was long lasting 14 hours. Can never left her side even when she screamed at him and vowed to "never do this again". Can knew that after their sweet baby arrived that she would change her mind because they wanted a big family. After 14 hours, Sanem was beyond exhausted and barely had enough energy to raise her head but as soon as baby Deniz was placed on her chest she was overcome with such emotions and she wanted nothing more than to hold her baby GIRL forever. She smiled at Can whose eyes were brimming over with tears of joy. He smiled back and Sanem kissed Deniz's cheek while Can kissed her head. Even as a writer Sanem had no words for how she felt as this moment but she knew she would remember it forever. Can was thinking the exact same thing at the exact same moment. He had never seen anything more beautiful as his wife holding their newborn daughter and had to capture it on his phone. A nurse came in and Can asked her to take a picture of his family to share with world cause he was so proud. Can and Sanem agreed to post the family photo on IG with the hashtag #proudparents #loveourfamily # family bliss.
Their family came into the room after Sanem was moved to a private room to see the happy family. They each oohed and awed at beautiful baby Deniz. She had big hazel eyes and a head full of dark brown hair. She was beautiful and to everyone's surprise she was quiet and curious to her surroundings. She never cried even as she was passed from one person to another. She only began to cry when she was hungry and everyone left the family to be together. Sanem wanted to breastfeed and with the nurse's assistance she was able to do so. Can  couldn't help but be mesmerized by the sight of his wife breastfeeding their infant daughter. He was overcome with emotions once again and began to cry. Sanem used her free hand to wipe his tears and kiss his lips.
After 2 days the family was ready to head home. Leyla. Mevkibe, Mihriban and Ayhan had been at the house getting things ready for the new family to arrive. A small welcome home party was to begin upon their arrival.  The party was in full swing with friends congratulating the new parents and fawning over the beauty of little Deniz. Everyone was happy and cheerful and celebrating. Then someone cleared their throat and a hush fell over the party. Can and Sanem turned as well as the rest of the party to see none other than Aicha standing in their living room. Aicha was a new client that had an obvious to everyone interest in Can  but why was she at their home?!. Aicha was dressed stantily with a very short skirt and her eyes were fixated on Can. Their friends and family were shocked as to who this person was and why she was at the party because she obviously hadn't been invited. Sanem looked at Can with questions in her eyes as to what possible reason Aicha could have to be in their home dressed as such. Can approached Aicha and asked her, "what the hell she thought she was doing in their home? And during a private friends and family celebration? Aicha touched Can's arm, smiled at him and said she just wanted to congratulate them and ask him if he would like to go climbing with her and her group in a few months. Sanem hearing all this had tears in her eyes. She handed Deniz to Leyla and approached Aicha and Can. She politely removed Aicha's hand from Can's arm and informed her that she had no right or reason to be in their home, EVER!!  Sanem explained that she was a client of the agency and had zero involvement in their personal lives. Aicha glared at Sanem and responded with "well Can and I are friends so I felt that I should offer my congratulations to him". The party goers were astonished at the nerve of the woman. Aziz stepped up to confront Aicha but Can put his hand up to stop him. Aicha smirked at Sanem. Can looked at Aicha, grabbed Sanem's hand, and informed her that his wife was correct she was only a client and had no business getting involved in their personal lives. He told her that they shared some interests but they were not and would never be friends because she was a manipulative woman who felt that she better than others. He told Aicha that he would not now or ever be interested in going climbing with her and as of this moment she was no longer a client or welcome at the agency. Can then kissed his wife and turned his back on Aicha. Cey Cey took it upon himself to push a stunned Aicha to the door and told her with a smile to never return. He gave her a little wave and shut the door in her face. The party goers laughed at the interruption but quickly forgot about it and went back to partying. Can kept his arm around Sanem and told her how much he loved her and their life. Sanem smiled at him and said it is a beautiful life.
After the party, Can placed Deniz in her crib, turned on the baby monitor and went to hold his wife in his arms.

They looked forward to their future and knew that come what may they could handle it together.

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