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Literally just fluff :D

Monday 01. 02. 2035 I saw a new girl in class today. She's.. new in class. There's a bunch of other new people for the new year as well, but she stuck out for me. Her jawline startled me, as it's regal as heck, and strong. I haven't talked to her yet, but I've heard her name bounced around, a bit similar like my thoughts being scrambled all the time when I see her. Her name's Sam. The name's so simple, and it represents her so well.  I've only ever seen her smile, and every time I do I can feel myself blushing. I do hope I'm not actually blushing though, cos that'd be weird.

She's got a brother who's already in my class, and I know him moderately well, and he's a nice dude. Hopefully I can get to know her a little more, as I'd like to know the person behind her gorgeous face.

Thursday 04.02.2035 My class had an excursion to a nearby park today, and I was in a group with Sam. I remember trying to keep my mind from going crazy when I saw her stand up and lock eyes with me. We couldn't find our third group member, so at first it was just us two. We sat on a bench, just us two, and I couldn't help but keep glancing  up at her pretty face. She was drawing a floral pattern on a quarter of the underside of the map we'd been given, and something she produced could be nothing pretty, like her face. She was so nice to me, and I found out we had a little bit of stuff in common. I made small talk for a while, but I really just enjoyed her company. 

Later, after we'd found our third group member we were walking somewhere, making more small talk, but I really want to get to know her more. She's so pretty... It's hard to function without staring at her face, but I tried not to do that as that's kinda creepy, so I just talked with her.

I got her phone number, as I asked for it as our other group member did as well. We had a small text conversation while I was walking home, and she sent me a picture of her face, and I couldn't help but study it.

She's got tan skin, which is more on the brown side, her nose a little red, possibly from sunburn, or maybe just a small pimple or two. She's got dark brown eyes, full of soul and warmth,  and perfect eyebrows trailing steadily off onto the sides of her head. She's got a delicate but regal nose, and straight white teeth, with a tiny chip off one front tooth; on the right. Her lips are slightly chapped, but in this picture they're stretched out into a wide smile. It impresses me how she can just smile at a camera, and have it still look warm, and display her personality. She's got lines separating her cheeks from her mouth (area...?), and a few more creases around her mouth which only further her warm smile. Her jawline is so prominent, but in only the best kind of way. It frames her face like nothing else and makes me stare at her for longer.

She's wearing a black necklace, with her pendant being a slightly shining stone-like black heart with a few hints on color. She's also got a rose gold metal necklace on, but it goes underneath her rainbow tie-dye t-shirt. Her thick dark hair is tied back into a long pony-tail, with it flowing everywhere, and a few stray hairs on her forehead. I can't help but stare at her eyes.

She's so pretty.

Saturday 06.02.2035 I've been thinking about Sam non-stop, but haven't interacted with her since. I keep looking back at that picture she sent me on Thursday and gawking at her beauty. She's probably straight, but I don't know that for a fact, so I can still keep hoping, can't I?

She's so so pretty

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