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Okay so this one's kinda weird to be honest, I thought I would try something new. It's rather sexual, but it's not smut in any way shape or form. There's kissing and sexual language (and also a lot of swearing) but that's it :)

I wasn't nervous when she brought me to her office. I knew what I would do. That fucker was closeted, and I knew she thought I was hot. I'm not a narcissist, but I am lowkey hot, at least that's what everyone tells me. This whole 'conversation' camp thing is a total joke. They give us therapy, but we don't get any less gay. We all have a great time just chatting in the cabins, and most of the camp administrators are just people that they've 'fixed', so they're just like us. One administrator got fired because she didn't care what the lead administrator thought, and we had a gay dance party with her.

I'm probably what you'd call the biggest flirt in town. I've slept with quite a few girls in this place, as I'm a lesbian, and you get a bit of a reputation when you do that, but honestly I like that. A few of the girls I slept with even told one of their friends I was really good, and then I fucked her as well. Good times.

Anyway, the closeted administrator is just staring at me blankly, surveying my face, and I'm doing the same to her. She jerks away her gaze, sitting up straight as she clears her throat. I stay slumped and manspreading in my chair, just checking her out. She's really hot, to be fair. A curvy brunette with chocolate skin and plump lips? Definitely my type. I tilt my head to the left, my eyes slightly closed in a seductive manner, which is just how I usually display myself. I'm wearing jeans and a leather jacket, rather than the usual uniform, but I can't help but notice she keeps glancing at my formed biceps. I watch her eyes lock onto mine, and I give her the look, glancing up and down, before biting my lip.

She clears her throat again, fumbling with her clipboard, before speaking.

"So, you're here because you talked rudely to a fellow counsellor." She plainly says, checking her papers a few times. I bite my lip again, and let it roll out of the grasp of my teeth slowly. I watch her eyes dart to my lips. She's not that much older than me, about 5 years maybe. I cock my head again, and swipe my fringe out of my eyes delicately with the long fingers I'm known to have.

"I wouldn't talk rudely to you," I say, watching her tense slightly.

"I- uh- So, the main administrator would like to see you after you're finished talking with me." She swallows, before licking her lips awkwardly.

"Is talking the only thing we have to do?" I narrow my eyes a bit more, and spread my legs a bit more. I watch colour start to grow in her cheeks.

"Uh, so you've been issued a light red code," She continues, and I smirk. I know I've got this.

"I could make you light red darling," I say in a seductively low voice, letting my chair fall back as I smoothly get up and climb up onto her desk, sitting facing her, my legs subconsciously spreading as she blushes and glances away. I can see the anxiety rising inside of her, she knows she'll crack. She knows what I'm like.

"Pl- please get off the desk,"

I do anything but get off, only moving myself a little closer.

"Uh, well, they also talked about changing your room, as they said they've heard some issues with the one you're in. They'll be changing you to another lesbians' room, number 12." I snort, and run my hand slowly down my thigh.

"They do realise that I'll fuck them too, right? Their filing system is the most stupid thing."

I roll my eyes, and she swallows awkwardly again as I move closer.

"Uhh, it'd be a great help if you.. didn't.. fuck anyone.." She says, blushing awkwardly while looking down a the ground. I slide quickly off the desk so that I'm standing in between her legs. I gently place a single hand on the underside of her face and tilt her head so that she's looking at me. She looks kind of afraid, but I can see the desperation in her eyes. Wow, this is just too easy. I could really take a challenge at this point.

"I could fuck you." I purr, watching her pupils dilate as her tension seems to melt. She's looking back into my eyes, and I feel her hand brush my back. I bite my lip again, and watch her glance at it.

I lean down a bit more and kiss her soft lips. I feel her melt into my embrace, and I feel myself smirk as I pull away. To me the kiss means nothing, but I guess I can add her to a list of people I've fucked.

I lean down and kiss her neck, and she lets out a shaky breath.

"Stop smir- king.. I- Murghgh." She says as she tilts her head away from me. People fall so easily for my tricks. Maybe I can seduce the whole administration desk. It wouldn't be hard, they're just a bunch of bi girls who've been convinced they're straight, but they like pussy as much as a lesbian like me does.

I don't know what their plan is with any of this bullshit, but I hope they know I'm coming for their role in everything. Quite literally. Who am I kidding- they'll all just pray that I cast a glance in their direction. I'll rule with my velvet tongue over all of them. They love me. Oh well. I guess we can still fuck in hell.

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