Chapter 2

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Poor girl hit the floor like a ton of bricks!"." Sorry jewel for shoving you" Paul said apologetically.

"It's alright Paul I'm not hurt"I replied." Girl you must be hurt after that tumble"John said saying the last word in a funny voice. He was like that always trying to humour me in any sort of way he could.
He elbowed Paul." Ouch John that hurt"Paul said." Ouch John that wreally hurt"John mocked.

Paul gave John a snider then walked out of the door. I went to follow him but John held me back." Leave him sweetheart" I was curious as to what he meant. George walks out of the toilet. He smiles at you. Then looks at John and walks away to the seats.

I turned around to face John who was currently a few steps behind my facing the doorway like I was." What's up with the others and you?"I asked they seemed to be some what scared of John." I'm not quite sure I've not done anything"John replied. I took hold of his hand behind me and took him through to the seats.

"You better go sit with George try and win him over!"John said as he took a seat at the back." John what are you on about?"I asked. He winked and shooed me away with his hand. I walked down the aisle to the seats where I could see George's head above it. I sat in it and cuddled up next to him casually." 'Ello there Lily hows you?"George asked." Fine . You?"you asked." I'm okay today"George replied.

He was never really into conversation according to John and Paul." Any plans today?" You asked him." I really want to tell someone I like them"George said quietly but you were unable to hear." Pardon"you asked." I said I don't know"George replied and stood up. He squeezed past you and walk to the bathroom.

You could tell it was the bathroom because you heard the door closed and lock.' What's up with him?'you asked yourself. You then walked to the bathroom door and knocked on it." George are you alrig-" you were cut of by loudish noises coming from behind the door. Then you worked out what it was. Moaning. George something in the bathroom." Uh uh uh"was all you could here from inside the bathroom. Then something quite strange and weird happened.
George started moaning your name! You couldn't believe it." Uh Julia your amazing. I love you so much"he moaned. I was in shock and walked away from the door. Then the floor creaked beneath me. He stopped. It was silent. I then ran into the bedroom and closed the door I had to try and make him think I was here the whole tome not listening one bit to him master baiting in the bathroom. I jumped onto my bed and took out my book and pretended to read it.

Then George walk in and sat in the floor." Hi again"he said." Whatcha doing in here?" He asked not sensing the awkwardness in the room." Reading"I replied trying not to be suspicious." Are you okay you seem off?"George asked. Shoot I think he knows I'm suspicious." Yep perfect this book has lightened my mood"you said. "I know your lying."he said. Shit." Alright tell me what you heard?"George asked. Should I say? You were contemplating in your mind if you should or you shouldn't.

So you just stayed quiet." I know you were standing listening because I recognised the sound of your shoes"George replied to your silence." I didn't hear anything I was just walking through from the seats"you lied. He looked slightly convinced so you dropped the conversation." You are gorgeous y'know"George said looking over at me. I placed my book down and murmured a little 'thank you'.

I then stood up and walked over and sat down next to him." Dear if the others say things just remember it's me that will make them meaningful"George said. I almost cried at that. Me and George were friends but with benefits. He was a great friend and he had a crush on me as soon as I stepped foot on this bus and I kinda liked him." I love you Julia you know that right?"he said his calming low Liverpudlian voice calms you completely.

I didn't reply but I turned my face towards his. He was centimetres away from me. Our noses touching. George closed the gap and kissed my lips softly with passion. He pulled away after a while. Your fore heads still touching.

"George I love you too"I said. He was so happy I could practically see his heart through his shirt booming with love. He kissed me one more time then just hugged me.

Shorter chapter but hope you have enjoyed so far - Olivia 🥰

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