Chapter 11

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I woke up to be in someone's arms. George was snuggled up to my back fast asleep. I squirmed and wiggled out of his arms and got up. I grabbed my clothes and got dressed. "George wake up"I called and went over to slightly shake him. He muttered something inaudible and moved his arms. "W-what?"he stuttered out in his croaky and husky voice from just waking up." We got to get ready to go back on the bus"I said and threw a pillow at his head.

"Alright alright I'll get up"George said taking the pillow off of his face and smacking it next to him on the bed. Then slowly raised his legs and turned them so they were on the floor and he stood and stretched." Pass 'em over please" George said gesturing to the clothes dumped on the floor in a pile.

"Okay"I replied and picked everyone thing up in one and passed it all to him." Thank you"he said and began to get dressed. Once he was dressed fully he combed his hair through with his fingers." Do you want to use my brush?"I asked him as I was about to put it away from using it." Sure" he said and held his hand out. I put the brush on top of his hand , he grasped it and began to use it.

George handed it back to me and I put it back in my bag. We made our way hand in hand to the bus. Once we got there Paul and the rest were already in and they were just waiting on George and I so we hopped in and soon the bus started to drive again.

We sat on George's bunk both reading books. Paul was having a 'beauty bath' , John was sitting in a seat at the back smoking and Ringo was............."George where's Ringo?" I asked as I finished my page and put the bookmark in. "I'm not entirely sure go ask Paul or John"he replied and continued reading. I nodded and made my way to the seat where John was.

I sat down next to him causing him to jump slightly. "Oh Julia can I help?" he asked putting the cigarette out and turning to me. "Yeah I was going to ask if you knew where Ringo was?" I questioned seeing his face sink to shocked. "I don't know I thought he was with you"John replied looking me dead in the eye with worry and shock. "No he wasn't we thought he was on the bus already"I said his face calming slightly.

"Ask Paul see if he seen 'im"he said. "Oh and but the way"he cut in as I stood and and turned back to him. "You look lovely today". I didn't know what to say so I blushed and walked away to the bathroom door. I knocked once. "Yes?" could be heard from the other side. "Hey uh Paul have you seen Ringo anywhere?" I asked a the door unlocked and opened to Paul standing with a towel around his waist and one twisted into a turban.

I giggled slightly then he responded. "Nope have you asked the others?" Paul asked me taking a seat on the edge of the bath. I sat next to him. "Yeah they said they haven't either. It's really a big bus anyway"I said then Paul's face changed to complete shock and worry. "Julia"he said. "Yeah?" I asked wondering why he suddenly acted on edge.

"Ringo's still at the hotel! We left him!" Paul exclaimed causing George and John to peer into the doorway. "Y'what?"they said in unison. "WE LEFT RINGO BEHIND!" Paul shouted and the bus instantly came to a holt. The driver came down the bus and looked at us all. "What's the shouting about?" he asked in an angry tone. "We have to go back to the hotel we were at!" Paul shouted again.

"Why is that?" the driver asked again. "WE LEFT RINGO!!" Paul said panicking and running around in circles. "It's okay Paulie we'll get him don't worry"John said and gave the driver a stare. The driver instantly ran back to the wheel and started the engine again.

We pulled up to the front entrance to see a sad Ringo sitting on the steps with a bag next time him. He looked up at the bus and approached it slowly. Obvious tear stains marked his face as he climbed the steps and walked towards us all sitting down at the back. "Aw Ringo we're so sorry for leaving you"I said hugging him and sitting him down on a chair.

"You left me on the steps"he muttered then got up and went through to the 'bedroom'."Just give him time to get over it"Paul said patting my shoulder. I smiled at him as he and John made their way to the kitchen. "So magical mystery Tour we've been on ay?" George said with a giggle.

I'm so sorry for the extremely late update on this book.
Ill try to get into a habit of updating sooner.
Enjoy - Olivia 🥰

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