Loosing grib

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Shigaraki p.o.v

I Wake up at 5am. It's quiet in the hideout. But something feels off. Normally that Midoriya boy is mumbling to himself around this time. His room is next mine so I know. Why is he so quiet today? Is he sleeping? No i dont think so... but not that I care. It's just... strange. I walk to the bar for something to eat and see kurogiri. "Why are you up so early?" I asked confused. While I'm scratching my neck.

Normally, I'm the only one awake around this time. He looks up at me and chuckles. "I think the master finally broke the brat. I sent him there half an hour ago." He says. I'm surprised to say the least. The boy has given in? I did not expect that. I mean... the master did say he would break before summer vacation ended and that's in 3 days, so I could have known It wouldn’t be long anymore. Kurogiri Poured  me a glass of whiskey. I took a sip of my drink and chuckled. "I wish the boy good luck, training with Master is everything but easy. I'll be surprised if he comes back alive."

Izuku p.o.v

"AAAAHHHHHHHH!!!" I screamed as I fly through the room and crash Into the wall.
"You didn't Think It Would Be that eazy did you? First we are going to train that body of Yours. You’re way to weak now." All for one says as i try to stand up.

All my muscles hurt like hell. I can't take this. He isn’t training me, he is throwing me around...
Well, I can still try one thing. I'm good at running and avoiding punches I learned that in Middle school. I stand up and look at him with  determination in my eyes. "bring it on" I say to All for one. "You got Spirit boy. I will give you that. but how long will let spirit keep you alive?!" He asked.  I just have to dodge it. If I dodge it I can get close to him. and maybe...

"Don't get distracted now boy." All for one says as he attacks me. I quickly jump to the side and run towards him, dodging almost all of his attacks and reading his movements. I say 'almost' all of his attacks, because I didn't see one coming and got hit... sending me flying to the other side of the room... again.

This time I think it's a good idea to stay down. my muscles don't like this anymore. It feels like I have been to hell and back. Everything hurts...
"Giving up already?" All for one asks in a amused voice.
"I'm not giving up. I'm just... taking a small break." I say but my body doesn't agree with me. One more hit like that and I'm out cold.

"Then you better try to avoid getting hit!" He said as he attacks again. I roll to the side and try to get up. My muscles desperately scream at me to stop moving, but I can't if I do he will send me back to that hellhole with Shigaraki.
I get a bit of my determination back and run up to him. I dodge every attack he throws at me and I'm almost close enough to touch him. And end this for today, but then my body gives out. I sprain my ankle and fall face first to the floor.


"That's Enough for today. Tomorrow we will continue. Take some rest, you will need it." He says before leaving. I don't know what to do now... Do I have a room? or am I supposed to stay here, on the ground...?

The next day was 10 times worse after I finally got to him. He would test my strength my stamina my endurance my speed and my attack skills.
I broke some bones and lost a tooth but I was worth it in the end,  when he comes to me and says "I will give you your quirk."

Is that what you think happend? well think again.
When the day came to an end, I couldn't even move. my body gave up, I was tired and hurt. To hurt to even lift a finger. All I could do was look at All for one as he walks up to me
"you disappoint me. I expected more from you." He said ass he picks me up from the ground.

He brought me to a different room and put me down in a metal chair. He tied my wrist and ankles stuck with leather straps. "I'm going to ask you some questions and you're going to answer them. if you lie, you will get a slight shock. The more you lie, the worst the shocks will be, he said. I swallowed loudly, not wanting to be hurt even more. I had no choice but to speak the truth.
At first the questions were kind of normal.

"What is your name?"

"Do you have friends?"

"Do you have family?"

"Who is your idol?"

"What is your dream?"

But soon the questions got harder to answer. and I had to think longer to find the right answer, sometimes not knowing them myself...

"Do you think the heroes will come for you?" "I don't know... I hope so." I got a shock when I said that, I didn't know why. I didn't lie... did i?
"Why did you jump off of the building?"
"That is good one... why did jump? Kacchan... told me to take a swandive off the roof.... And then All might shattered my dreams. I guess... I just felt hopeless." I mumbelt

All for one chuckled And frees my ankles and wrists I guess he was satisfied with that answer.
"I have one more question for you Izuku" he says as I get a little uneasy. Why did he free me if he had another question for me?

He got a slightly burnt Book from behind his back. "Is this yours?"
It was my notebook. With everything I know about Heroes. How do I answer this?, if I lie I'll get a shock. But I could just stand up.
But if I tell the truth, they will use my notes against the heroes and probably make me write down more.
That might not be a good thing...

I dont want to hurt people!


I dont think so.

Wouw wou wouw
Our first real torger seen. It will get bether, but this is a first for me to
I normaly dont wright so dark
I do realy like the way the story is going and i hope all of you do to
Thanks so mutsh for reading🤗🤗🤗

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