how the light in somones eyes dies out

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Its been 4 weeks of torture, mentally and physically. I don’t know how much more of this i can take...
Im locked in my room again. Kurogiri just patched up all the new wounds on my body. And there are a lot.
All i can do now is softly cry, and even that hurts.

I couldn’t stop screaming during the torture and that made Shigaraki angry. He lost his selfcontrole if he even head that to begin with...
My right eye paid the price for my screaming and crying. He destroyed it... it hurt so much I was almost sure i would pass out. But if i did that i could be sure to wake up missing a leg or something.
The worst part of it all is that i cant defend myself. I dont know how long ill be able to live with this. I already feel like giving up. The idea of joining them seems more appealing with every day that passes. And i have the feeling my so called hero's wont come to save me. I dont want to admit it... i still have some hope left... but all for one has shown me that they wont come.
Even if i dont want to believe it. I have been stuck here for more then a month now. And still no sing of them even looking for me.

And maybe... just maybe, these villains aren’t all that bad...

I mean, they didn’t  lie to me.... and even if they hurt me, every single day, they have been taking beter care of me then the hero society has ever done...

No, i can’t think like that.. these people kidnapped me, hurt me and keep me locked in a dark room...
Ther geting me closer to my breaking point every day. I cant handle it. Somedays i catch myself thinking about all the things i could do if i joined them.
Like taking revenge on kacchan, for all the years of bullying and abuse.  Or breaking All Might's spirit by showing him what i became after he shattered my dreams...
Other days i realise just how far my sanity hase fallen, just how far.... i have fallen.

My mind is being corrupted ... and im not trying anything to stop it.

The door of my room slowly opens and kurogiri walks in.
"Master wants to see you" he sais as he unchains me.
I remember the first time their master wanted to see me... i tried to escape... that had almost costed me my life.

I slowly walk after kurogiri and sit down on a chair when we get to the bar. In opposite to last time i was here... now there is no one else but me and Kurogiri. I can’t deny that im a little nervous. My mind is splitting in two about what i want and now All for one wants to talk to me... i dont know what to expect. The only think i know is that i dont know how long i can keep denying  these thoughts.

"You don’t have to deny them. Make them you own. Accept it Izuku" i hear All for one say in my head.
Right... i forgot he could do that...
I stay quiet, not saying or thinking about anything. If i dont talk or think, he cant use my mind against me... i hope...

"So, your trying to block me out. Go ahead, I dont mind. Just know that i can help you. I can give you a replacement for the eye tomura stole from you."

Thed doesn’t  sound so bad... maybe... I should let him help me... there isn’t much that could go wrong... and maybe... "no, don’t think that Izuku.... stop that, I won’t give in. I will never give in!"

"Are you sure about that?"

I look up and Kurogiri is looking at me. Dangit, I was mumbling again...
"It isn’t all that bad you know. We might be villains but that doesn’t mean we are evil. I mean, yes, we do breake the law. But that is the fun part. We dont have to follow any rules" kurogiri says as he cleans a glass from the bar. I look away. "But what about the innocent people you hurt...  and ther family’s ?" I asks softly.

"Who sais we hurt the innocent?" Kurogiri asks. That makes me think...
If i dont have to hurt innocent people. Then what keeps me away from all of this? I could take revenge on kacchan... i could show the world that im more then just a quirkles boy.

"There is another thing. I can give you a quirk" All for one says and this stops all of my thoughts. "What?"
All for on chuckles and Kurogiri opens a portal. "Come here boy. I will make you complete."

The thought of having a quirk... my own quirk races through my mind. I stand up slowly debating if this is really what I want. It could change my live for the better.... I’ll finally have a quirk. I won’t be weak anymore. But something still holds me back. Maybe... the last bit of hope i have...

Out of nowhere the tv turns on. Its the news.
"After about a month the police officers have given up the search for the missing boy Izuku Midoriya. They say the boy probably got killed. The mother is defestated.
We don’t expect anyone to know more about this case. But if you know anything or have seen the green haired boy recently please call the police and..."




I tune out the sounds. I couldn’t concentrate on it anymore. They... they gave up on me... again... they just stopped looking, just like All for one said would happen. They dont care...
That does it! Im done! I dont want this life anymore...

I walk up to Kurogiri and walk through the portol. Letting it lead me to my future. However dark that may be.

Thad was chapter 4.
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