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So, I was watching the videoclip for "(I Can't Get No)Satisfaction" and I was staring at Mick and thinking how gorgeous he looked, while scrolling down the comment section. And I spotted two very weird/offensive comments towards Mick:

1. Oh, the look of pure excitement! No wonder Mick wetted some panties across North America that night!😂


2. But really, he wasn't true at all. Not an honest womaniser, just stealing to fill his empty soul.


What the hell, guys? Mick Jagger. Wetting his panties. At an age of about 24. No. Freaking. Way! Also, let me make a few things clear.MICK'S SOUL IS NOT EMPTY!!!!!! I ship Mick's womaniser act(apart from his Keith act) and I will give everybody who offends him a punch on the face. I'm the crazy person who celebrity-crushes Mick! Mick Jagger is true, whatever some people say. And, really, did the guys who wrote those comments think for even a second what will happen if Mick himself reads these comments?

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