Gilmore Girls

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In which I post a bunch of unpopular opinions about Gilmore Girls.

1. Lane deserves better

Alright. We all know it. Rory is the worst friend one could ever have. She doesn't care about her friends' feelings, she only cares about herself and her life. She abandons Lane, her best friend since she was two or something to study or hang out with her boyfriend. She is never interested in Lane's life and never cares about what she tells her. But when she makes decisions, she fights with her because she didn't tell her!! Excuse me? You never cared about Lane and now you want her to tell you about all her decisions before she makes them to see if you approve? Lane has a family she can never talk to, she needs a good friend and Rory isn't a good friend. Period.

2.Team Dean Vs. Team Jess

For the ones who stan Jess, would you ever see Jess making an entire CAR for Rory or having the guts to tell her that he loves her? Some hate Dean because he kept getting jealous and he's a little hot-headed, but have you noticed that he's also the kindest human being ever to exist? I have never seen a fictional character resemble Axl Rose so much only in the bad traits as Jess. If Rory gets together with him(I'm only at the middle of Season 2, so I don't know what's next) he's constantly going to embarrass her and let her down. If they get together, she'll probably end up like Erin Everly. So, stay away or things will be VERY bad between us, Lorelai Leigh Gilmore!!!

3. Emily

I really don't know what to think about Emily. Sometimes, I think that she deserves better than she has because Lorelai treats her like shit and the next moment I hate her because I find her very stubborn and spiteful. Idk.

Lane>>>> Rory

Jess Mariano= Axl Rose

Lorelai and Max>>>>>> Lorelai and Luke.

I rant, then I leave. Goodbye.

Only Gilmore Girls fans will understand this.

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