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I got an idea to sort all my favourite rockstars in Hogwarts houses.


Bon Jovi, Jon: Gryffindor. Jon is so brave and warm-hearted there's no other place he should go to.

(Okay, I'm not doing it by alphabetical order because it's too hard)

Rose, Axl: Slytherin(he was a sure one)

Stradlin, Izzy: Ravenclaw(are you kidding me, man?)

Hudson, Slash: Hufflepuff. Slash has such a good heart and he's not very smart either(sorry, Slasher. Out of GNR only Izzy goes to Ravenclaw)

McKagan, Duff: Slytherin

Richards, Keith: Gryffindor

Watts, Charlie: Ravenclaw

Jagger, Mick: SLYTHERIN(he's our Malfoy)

Wyman, Bill: Gryffindor(the Stones have A LOT of Gryffindors)

Jones, Brian: Gryffindor(he was sure to go there)

McCartney, Paul: Ummm....I don't know...Slytherin. He thinks too much of himself.

Lennon, John: A SURE SLYTHERIN(and NOT in the good way)

Harrison, George: Hufflepuff?

Starr, Ringo: Hufflepuff.

Mercury, Freddie: Slytherin?


Taylor, Roger: I was between Gryffindor and Slytherin but...Slytherin.

Deacon, John: Ravenclaw(we can't forget his sassy, witty self, can we?)

Cooper, Alice: Slytherin(that badassssss)

Cobain, Kurt: Ravenclaw

Novoselic, Krist: Hufflepuff

Grohl, Dave: Gryffindor

Young, Angus: Gryffindor

Sixx, Nikki: Gryffindor(this is not favouritism, I swear, as much as I love Nikki. At first I had put him in Slytherin)

Lee, Tommy: Hufflepuff(suitable, isn't it?)

Neil, Vince: S l y t h e r i n

Mars, Mick: Ravenclaw

Osbourne, Ozzy: Gryffindor(so badass and smart, he should be there)

Faithfull, Marianne: Hufflepuff

And some more people from the rock environment...

Everly, Erin: Hufflepuff(she has SUCH a good heart and she's so innocent)

Epstein, Brian: Ravenclaw

Seymour, Stephanie: Slytherin(WHERE SHE BELONGS, SHE'S A SNAKEEEEEEE)

Eastman, Linda(for the ones who don't know, this is the maiden name of Linda McCartney): Gryffindor, she's so unbeliviably smart and brave.

Beyrand, Dominique: Ravenclaw!

What do you guys think of the sortings? Are they appropriate? Please comment and let me know. Also, if you have some rockstar to suggest, I'll mke a part two!

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