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I'm bored and I just wanna say stuff about me because I'm bored. And I want to ask people questions. I want someone to tag me pls because I'm B O R E D.

My name is Elissavet, which is the Greek version of Elizabeth. But I find Elizabeth too long a name so on Wattpad I go by Lizzie.

My birthday is on 14 October.

I live in Athens.

My favourite band is Guns N Roses.

My favourite song? I have three.

1. Yesterdays by Guns N Roses

2. If I Die Tomorrow by Motley Crue

3. Coma by Guns N Roses.

My best friend is Ela aka iloveduffmckagan I love you sis.

My boyfriend is i_am_Nikki_Sixx❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

I will not refer to any other friends because I don't want people feeling weird.

Call me weird but I cannot stand David Bowie and the Monkees.

My favourite TV shows are F.R.I.E.N.D.S and Gilmore Girls. My favourite friend is Chandler and my favourite character from Gilmore Girls is either Lane, or Luke or Paris.

(Yes I love Paris. Call me weird but I love her.)

My top five favourite bands are:

1. Guns N Roses

2. Queen

3. Motley Crue

4. The Beatles

5. The Rolling Stones

My favourite modern artist is Avicii the legend. RIP.😭

I have too many celebrity crushes and one real life crush.

I think that my most iconic quote is
"Gene Simmons and...Lori Maddox?"(Ela knows that one real well)

My favourite Guns N Roses member is either Steven or Izzy. I loved Steven with all my heart once but I Assisi like Izzy very much because he is the brain and he's very sarcastic and quiet.

Idk what to say anymore.

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