↞Chapter 9↠

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Vikk's P.O.V.

It was pure and utter panic coursing through my veins. For one, I wasn't prepared for anything to do with raising a child- I had no items, no cot, no buggy, no carseat, no clothing, no nothing- and for another the utter despair and confusion at knowing there was another child of mine out there that I didn't have custody of, that she wanted despite not being a fit parent, and that thought scared me. I had my son, safe and sound, but my daughter was out there somewhere in the hands of someone I no longer trusted.

Oliver was a very quiet baby. He had to sleep in my bed for the first night and despite my absolute terror that I would roll over and crush him, or he would fall off the bed, the night went mostly smoothly. He woke up three times, which was to be expected, and I fed him with the baby formula I had run out to the supermarket to grab, plus nappies and a beanie, so it was enough to get through the first day.

That was when I got in contact with the police. I was scared because it was a genuine fear that they would take my son away but they simply told me to come down to the station, bring my son and the letter so they could ask some questions, and it all went from there.

Once they realised exactly how serious the situation was, that the mother had prior drug convictions (which I hadn't known about) and that it was clearly her plan to leave the country, they sent out a Child Rescue Alert. It was the equivalent of the Amber Alert. It terrified me because I hadn't realised it was that serious, if she got out the country then it was pretty much game over until they could go through the French system, but she hadn't left yet. That was likely due to the lack of a passport that she had for Annabel, and that could take up to 2 weeks to arrive, and we had that long to get ahold of her.

2 weeks. Okay. I could deal with that. Surely two weeks was long enough to track her and my baby, especially since there was an alert out about them and potentially some small thing on the news or in the newspaper. Police around the country knew what to look for, they knew her address and licence plate. Maybe it was only a matter of time?


Days ticked by and I slowly settled into a routine. Oliver was a relatively easy baby given everything that had happened, crying only when he woke up which was every 3 or 4 hours, eating well and sleeping well otherwise. He stopped crying whenever I held him too which was both a blessing and a curse because it meant I couldn't record, but I could edit and do everything else with him strapped to my chest. Oh yeah, the officer at the police station helped me get everything for Oliver, and for Annabel too, which two cots and a double pram and food and clothing, which was absolutely amazing of them.

But there was still this ever constant presence in the back of my head, the fear of knowing that my daughter was still out there and could possibly be in danger. But there was nothing I could do. All I could do was wait and hope she was found.

Already I knew I was overworking myself, stretching myself too far- looking after Oliver, recording and editing, trying to stay healthy and the ever increasing stress of knowing Sidemen recordings were coming up and Annabel in the arms of someone that could put her in danger. I woke up each morning exhausted, barely able to stand and so done with everything that I just wanted to lie down and sleep again- but I didn't. I had to record, edit, upload more videos. I had to keep my outer appearance perfect. I had to appear normal.

Oliver cooed at me, one fist waving in the air as he squirmed in my arms. He had just been fed and was quite content to just lie there but I honestly couldn't put him down without him screaming his poor little head off. He was just clingy but it meant I couldn't record and struggled to edit.

It was in that moment my phone began ringing on my desk. A little over a week since Oliver forst appeared on my doorstep. At first I didn't answer it because what if it was one of the Sidemen, what if Ollie- yes, that was his nickname now- started crying? What would I say? But then I checked the caller ID, and it was one of the officers involved in Annabel's case, one who was searching for her. I picked it up.

"Hello?" I said, desperation clear in my voice.

"Hey Vikk, we've had a major development." The voice on the other end said, slightly breathless. "We found them, and custody is set to go to you immediately because she overdosed. Baby Annabel's just fine, maybe a little hungry because she wasn't found for about 8 hours, but once she's been checked over at the hospital she's being taken to yours. Birth certificate too, and Oliver's, turns out it wasn't in the mail to you."

It took me a moment to comprehend everything, take in everything that he had said- Annabel was okay, alive and well, and she was heading my way. I couldn't help collapsing, sinking to my knees and breaking into happy tears with little Ollie in my arms because I was just so relieved, so happy, so, so.... just able to breathe again. It was okay.


She arrived the next morning, wrapped up in a pink blanket and with two officers who didn't want to say goodbye to her just yet. I answered the door, Ollie in arms, and felt another wave of tears take over because it was real, she was there and I would have full custody of her with no one to challenge it because she was gone. No family knew about the kids as far as I knew, and it was such a relief to have both of them, no more worry and stress knowing one was missing.

The first time I held her was a wonderful thing- she was quiet, just like Ollie, settled in my arms like she knew exactly who I was.

"Are you going to be able to handle them both?" An officer asked and I paused, finally just shrugging.

"I don't know, up until this point it's been panic and stress just wanting Annabel here. Now she's here I'll just have to take it one day at a time." I said. The officer gave me a stern look.

"You take care of yourself too, okay? I had twins a few years back and I know how hard it is, and I had my husband to help me!" They smiled. "If you ever need any help, don't be afraid to call us. We've been invested in this case for quite a while and its been the only thing on a lot of our minds. I'm sure an officer wouldn't mind coming around to hold them again once in a while."

"I'll keep that in mind." I smiled as I showed them to the door. "Thank you."

Little Ones [A Vikklan, Poofless and Merome Fanfiction]Where stories live. Discover now