↞Chapter 20↠

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Mitch's P.O.V.

After that first kiss, at least the first one that I was fully conscious of (because despite Jerome thinking I was asleep, I wasn't), there was something inside me that awoke for maybe the first time. There was this longing, this desire, this feeling in the pit of my stomach that made me aware of the fact that I liked Jerome. As in, more than a friend. I liked him more than a friend and it was only at that moment that I truly realised it. Perhaps the feeling had been there all along, I just hadn't realised it.

Days ticked on and, surprisingly, I was feeling better. There was no longer this lingering paranoia and anxiety in the pit of my chest like I wasn't going to be able to make it through the next day without breaking down. I woke up each morning- after having gotten up a couple of times throughout the night to feed the kids- feeling mostly rested and ready for the days, more often than not with Jerome's arms secured tightly around my waist. I hadn't realised before now, but he was a cuddler.

I couldn't help but laugh as Jerome breathed onto the back of my neck, his lips pressed kisses to my shoulders and back. His arms were secured tightly around my waist and although one of us was technically meant to be making dinner while the other watched the kids, we were just sitting on the couch, giggling like little kids.

"Jer-Jerome!" I laughed as he tried to tickle me, shrieking and rolling off the couch as he continued. "Jerome! No!"

He let me go as I escaped to the kitchen to begin the making of dinner, panting and breathless and still giggling, of course. We had dinner planned, everything in the fridge, and god it was just like the days when we lived together before the kids, during the early YouTube days when we were just building everything up. It was homely, cozy and oh so domestic.

Jerome came up behind me just as I finished up, wrapping his arms around my waist, and pressed a kiss to my cheek. I turned in his hold and kissed him right back.

Just as I said. Domestic.


I couldn't help but laugh as Kai stumbled, tripping over Hazel's feet and tumbling over as he tried to walk. He was a bit ahead of my daughter, already beginning to walk even though he was only 10 months old, while Hazel was still getting the hang of crawling. It was all perfectly normal though, they were both hitting their milestones, just at different times.

"Da!" Hazel crowed, throwing her arms up with some bright plastic toy clutched in her chubby hand. She crawled in my direction, leaving Kai, struggling to get back on his feet, behind her. "Da!"

"Hey little one." I scooped her up in my arms. "Are you hungry?"

She didn't reply but someone did, someone who pressed their lips to the top of my head, startling me. I hadn't even realised he was home. Jerome gave Hazel a quick kiss to before moving to help Kai to his feet, holding his arms while his son stumbled across the room with unsteady steps.

"They might not be, but I am." Jerome quipped with a smirk, "What we you planning on doing?"

"Dunno babe." I quipped right back, smacking his head.

"Da!" Came the happy yell from Hazel. "Dada!" That was pretty much her only word at the moment, other than baby and hi but they were much less common. Kai spoke less funnily enough, the occasional no and dada falling from his lips.

"Aw come on Mitch, you're better at cooking than I am." He whined, walking Kai over to me, but he was smiling. "Maybe a stir fry?"

"Alright, fine." I laughed. "But you gotta watch the monkeys."

"Fine, fine, I'll watch them." He leaned over and pressed a kiss to my lips this time. "Thank you!"

As I was cooking Kai pattered over to me and clung to the back of my legs, whining in the very few words he knew to eventually get across that he was hungry. I consoled him, reassuring him that dinner would be ready soon if he was patient. He, of course, had no concept of patience, but it was only 10 minutes out so I wouldn't have to listen to it for much longer.

Later that night, after the kids were all in bed, Jerome pulled me into his lap. I sighed happily and settled back into him as his arms secured themselves around my waist. He kissed the back of my neck.

Sitting there on the couch with him got me thinking. 10 months ago, when I sat in that hospital bed holding my daughter for the first time, still traumatised and with no idea of what I was going to do, my first action was to run away from everything because it only made everything worse. But then Jerome made it better. He brought me home and gave me the support I needed, and he gave me love. Sure I still had flashbacks, I still saw glimpses of my attacker in my daughter, but after going to therapy and having Jerome's support through all of it, I really was improving.

I knew my daughter would grow up in a good home here with Jerome and I, with Kai as a brother, because we had everything we needed. We had a home, we had love and we had time and patience to raise them. I wanted to see them grow up safe and well.

Jerome's head nodded onto my shoulder and I turned around, managing to plant a kiss on his lips. He smiled.

"What's up?" He asked quietly, playing with my hands.

"Nothin'." I said, kissing him again. "Just happy."

"Good." He whispered back, leaning back and pulling me back with him. "Cause I'm happy too and I'm so glad this is where we ended up. I can see this going somewhere. I can't wait to see Hazel growing up." I laughed.

"And I can't wait to see Kai growing up too."

Jerome turned and kissed me again, so long and so passionate that I was gasping for breath when he pulled away. He hugged me tight.

"I hope we stay together for the rest of our lives and I hope we can give our kids the best lives we possibly can." He breathed, cupping my face. "We can do it, I know we can."

I kissed him again.

"We can. I know we can." I paused. "I love you so much."

"I love you too." He whispered back, eyes staring right into mine. "I love you with all my heart."

Little Ones [A Vikklan, Poofless and Merome Fanfiction]Where stories live. Discover now