Day 2

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Lillie's Diary:

Well, I met my classmates today, Lana's a water type trainer who's reserved, like I am. Kiawe is a little out there, but he seems nice enough. Mallow's the most beautiful girl I've ever seen, her green hair matches her passion for grass types perfectly. Sophocles just seems to fall asleep, he's an electric specialist, but the only thing shocking is his tendency to sleep. Then there's Ash, he's the only one not from Alola, and he seems a little crazy at times, but he has a passion for battling and he's a talented trainer for sure. So far I like Lana the most, she and I had a good talk and we actually went swimming together after class. Mallow's too extroverted for me, I can't even talk to Sophocles, and Kiawe and Ash are just... out there. Tomorrow, school really starts.

Ash's Diary:

Meeting my new friends today was a blast, but it's weird as some of them remind me too much of my past friends. Lana's passions for water types reminds me of Misty, Mallow's carefree attitude reminds me of Iris, and Lillie just reminds me of Serena, probably her blonde hair and shyness around me. That reminds me Serena kissed me before I left, I hate to break her heart, but I've never felt that way for anyone, doubt I ever will though. Kiawe likes fire types, and is actually similar to Chilli in a few ways. Sophocles... I don't know who to compare him to, he just falls asleep and is slow. He likes electric types, so Clemont? I don't know, I'm just excited to start this tomorrow!

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