Holiday break: Day of fate (part 2)

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Now that the cliffhanger is in your mind can you wait for what's next? Well here it is.

Lillie's Diary:

I can't help but crying, Ash isn't my friend anymore. Mallow invited Ash and I over for dinner, and it was amazing as always but I couldn't help but notice that Ash was distracted by something, he gave Mallow an evil glare multiple times. She was always mischevious, but Ash looked like he was about to faint. Ash said he needed to tell me something that was clearly hard for him to say. "Lillie, I-I-I... I'm sorry but I-" When he said those words are started to cry. I couldn't believe what I just heard. "A-A-Ash, do y-y-you really mean that?" I asked as the tears were in my eyes. "Yes, yes I do." Ash responded. Looks like Misty was wrong. My hand went to Ash's cheek, and from there, the most unexpected moment of my life took place. Even now, I don't know how this happened. As my hand went faster than I meant it to, Ash flinched as it came close to him.

HAAHAHAH! ANOTHER CLIFFHANGER! YOU LIKE THAT?! No, you don't, well I pity you so I'll release the next part tomorrow. 

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