Authors Note

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So, I'm just writing this before publishing the final chapter to say a couple of things to you all. First off, I've been so thankful for all the reads that this story has gotten, We're at 1.5K as I'm publishing this and I thank you guys for reading this story all the way through. Second of all, April is an important month to me, as it's Autism Awareness Month, in third grade, I was diagnosed with Asbergers, which is a form of High Functioning Autism. I've been bullied because of the traits that are my symptoms of Autism, so it would mean so much to me if you all will post #AutismAwareness in the comments, just to show that you care about this cause. 

Now I'll just say a couple of things about how this story took off, I uploaded the first part about a month ago, and as of writing, there are readers on 4 of the 6 inhabited continents and 2 of the top 5 most populated countries in the world. My other story on Wattpad was a collection of one-shots that as of now, only has about half of the number of reads this story does. Part of this story's success is because of it being added to reading lists which can be viewed by anyone who uses this website. Most of these reading lists include stories that I've read and enjoyed and have over 66K readers, and these are other Auerliashipping stories, the ship is fairly new as the Alola anime ended recently in Japan (I never saw it nor the English dub). So the fact that my story is getting even a percent of the reads that other and likely better-writen stories is amazing. Believe me, I'm not the most creative person out there, I was terrible at literature. However, it seems this story grasped the attention of people and might be something I try more often.

I'm working on some Fire Emblem oneshots right now, I'll likely upload that collection starting in May, after that I don't know what I'll do, but I have some ideas for more fire emblem, or maybe Zelink one-shots. I'm open to suggestions from you guys and I might see what I can write regarding your suggestions. Now... here you go, the final chapter to this story.

Update 5/24/21: This story just hit #1 on LilliexAsh, thank you so much for all of your support guys!

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