Serene's Promise

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Seugi's POV

"By the way, do you have any idea of who might have an interest to Serene?" I asked.

"Bogum." Of course, that asshole. As soon as she mentioned his name, I can't help but be so mad. As far as I know, he's still in the jail so how can he able to do that.

"Impossible. He's still in jail. Anyways I'll try everything to know if he's involved and if he is, I swear I'll put him in his place." I told her. I was so serious and mad but when I saw Serene coming down with her smile, my mood changes a lot. Ughh I just love her and I'll do anything for her.

Soon we started our drawing session and ommooo she's so cute.

"Mommy Seulgi, so you're going to stay a little longer right?" She said while still busy drawing her mama Irene.


"What do you mean huh? You said if I will let Mama Irene cover my eyes, you'll stay a little longer."

"Ohhh right right. Yes I will stay a little longer."

Then she stopped drawing and looked at me. Uwu her stares gave me the feels like Irene. This two will be the death of me I swear.

"Mommy Seulgi do you like my Mama Irene?"

O_O Woahhh what a straight question. She didn't even blinked when she asked me.

I smiled and said. "I do.I actually love your Mama Irene." Then she smiled. "I knew it. That's good cause mama Irene likes you too."

"What? How did you know? Did she told you?"

She shaked her head. "Cause whenever she watches you, she always smile." My mama Irene don't smile a lot that's why I like you because you can make her smile.

"But mommy Seulgi, I don't understand why she doesn't want me to talk to you before."

"Cause mommy Seulgi messed up big time and made a mistake."

"But everybody makes mistake like me."

"Oh yeah.. and what did you do?"

"Well one time I get a super low low score in the test and I hide it from mama Irene?"

"What for real? You do that?"

"Aha....and then she saw it from the rubbish can."

"So you didn't hide it but threw it." Oh my gosh, I can't help but laughed so hard. I remember I used to do that when I was young. I was already in tears laughing when she complained.

"Yah mommy Seulgi that's not funny. Mama Irene put me in a time out because of that." Then I laughed so hard again. LOL, Irene putting Serene in time out. That's so cute...

She grabbed her coloring materials and stood up. "Yah Serene, where are you going?"

"I don't like you anymore. You're making fun of me."

"Aigooo come here my little angel. I'm sorry. Mommy Seulgi isn't making fun of you, I just remember when I was young I used to do the same thing."

"For real?"

Then I nodded. "But don't do it again. Always be honest to mama Irene okay? She loves you so much and she will always understand you."

"What about you? Do you love me?"

"Of course...I love you so much..." as I tickled her.

She was laughing as I tickled her and then she said. "Then just stay here with us. I like you a lot too."

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