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Art pov

My days passed slower than usual. All I think is about him my Mew. What will be he doing now, what did he ate today, is he doing fine, did he move on with his new partner.. No he can't. Like me he must be thinking about me, I calm down myself. Everyday I see him in TV with him I feel depressed. When we were used to be together he always has his eyes on me, he followed wherever I go that's why I didn't think serious about him. Now when I look him with that newbie I can't tolerate. I questioned myself is he look cute than me nha..he look manly but handsome my Mew won't fall for him,he likes cute boys not manly one I answered myself. Like this my way went crazy,all my team mates,my friends, my family and my manager were worried and complainted about my strange behaviour. I don't have guts to tell them that I feel for Mew now because all my loved ones supported me when I took that decision year ago. They didn't even ask single question about my decision and why did I do that, all just stand beside me. So I can't consult anyone about this, that made me more frustrated. I can't concentrate in my project. My team mates cheer me to work further.

I got free time so I decided to hang out but I feel going alone is better idea. I prefer to walk,I wore face mask and began to walk random in the streets. I walk just where my legs take me, I stopped in certain place it's a park where Mew and me came more to spend time together. All memories swell in my heart, tears pouring out of my eyes. I done unforgivable sin, I must talk to him first before doing such stupid thing. It's my fault so I deserve to be alone,now I have no rights to stop him from being happy. I will not interfere with him again to make his life miserable. If he moved on I should be happy.. like this my mind wandering I walked again, finally reached a bus stop, there in wall display I saw his face in advertisement with that newbie for pimple cream. They look great together. I sighed heavily. After that ad. They informed about the award function. They tell about the nominees in different categories. Our cute boys project also in nominated. Mew and that newbie is nominated as best couple and for best kiss. That kiss... He kissing his foot. By seeing that something weighted in my heart, I lost my mind. My legs were shaky now I can't stand,I suppose to fell, I grip the stand near me and placed my weight in that bus stop seat. My eyes were swell up with tears. I know it's just acting. But I can't take it. If we were together and he doing this project I won't be feelings this way. Because of my stupidity I lost pure care and love from my life. He was so possessive about me. Now I get why did he act sometimes weird when I behave touchy with my friends because he loved me to extend. That time I used to be mad at him for his weird behaviour. After a long time I lift myself to walk again, there I saw a local bar, I entered in had drink as much as I can. I feel someone lifting me, my vision is blurry now, I can't see who is carrying me. There I heard that voice it's my best friend Tune.

Tune: Are you ok Art ?.... Art..Art...

Art:  Hmmm. I am ok.. Mew...

Tune: I am not Mew.. Art.. I am Tune.
How long are you going to think about that shity jerk.?? Art .. Tell me...

Art: Mew...Mew... Sorry. .

Tune: Shit.  ... You can't see me Art.. How I feel for you ... You can't feel me because of that jerk. So I made you to do that job but still you thinking of that trash. He already moved on Art. Please let me to make you feel better. I am better than that shit ... Art.... Please..

He pushed me to the bed and began to kiss me in my neck ... I felt bad, I am drunk , I feel weak, I can't protest. My broken into pieces after what I heard from Tune. He is the one who took that video and send to me from Mew's phone. I used all my strength and pushed him hard and ran from there as hell following me. Due to the drink,I can't walk anymore,I lost my phone. I sat down in street, it's already too late so there is no one in the streets. I lay back in the street. Now I don't care about my reputation. My eyes already tired by crying all day even though again my tears pouring out. Why did I do that? Why did I hurt him? Why did I damage him so much?  I want to die this minute but before that I just want to apologize to him for what I have done to him.

After that Tune tried to reach me, but I already tell all about him to my mates, family and friends. They all protect me and warn him to reach away from me. Now all I want is to meet Mew to beg for his forgiveness. We work hard for the project. The day of the award function. I was excited that I can see my Mew today. I went for make over, I got ready in black suit, when all overed my friend and mates praised me for my unique cuteness that is incomparable. I wore the suit croch that was given by my Mew. We all reached the event sight. We were early, we finished the red carpet arrival, photographers session and reporters meeting to get in.  I wonder when he will come. I can't stay still in my seat so I decided to check, my mates asked me where am I going, I lied them that I am going to restroom. I rushed out and ran towards the entrance, my head suddenly hit on something hard, I closed my eyes with pain, I bounce back to fell, but I didn't strong grip grab my shoulder pulled closer,once again I landed on something hard, I didn't dare to open my eyes. But I feel warm, gentle and familiar clong hit my nostrils made my core hard and chill travel through my spine. I slowly opened my eyes it's him.... My Mew...

Damn he look so hot and handsome.. I just want to pull him closer now to kiss him. I gasp air through my mouth. We were staring each other deeply. There I heard that annoying voice...

Gulf: P'....P'....

We snap back to reality, He slowly let go of my shoulder, I drag draggers to that newbie.. from my eyes..

To be continued.....

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