The arrival

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I just got of the plane with shinx my Pokémon I get my bag and walked out of the airport when I step out I can smell the salty breeze I walk to the Pokémon center to heal the rest of my Pokémon nurse joy said "we hope to see you again Y/N and if you need anything just ask!" I said "can I have a map?" Nurse joy hands me a map of the region I'm excited and tell her I'm off I look at the map and see something that says "the Pokémon school is a place for all Pokémon trainer who want to learn more about Pokémon! I tell shinx about it and I can tell he wants to see it too but I tell him we have to look around town we walk around town I see a shop that shinx is looking into and say "you hungry?"I walk in and smell something like bread I walk up to the counter and look up at the menu something in bold text says "MALASADA 1 DOLLAR A PEICE" "I say can I have two malasadas please"the man says "sure" we get our food and pay I keep walking around town until I see a beach. I smell the same salty breeze as before where I look down I see a Pokémon being bullied by a group of people I said "shinx use thunderbolt"and shinx shocks them all making them flee I run down and see a Pokémon in pain I pull out my Pokédex and it said "eevee the evolution pokemon"and put it away I grab the poor eevee and run to The Pokémon center nurse joy says "Y/N- oh my what's wrong with this eevee!"I said "it got attacked by a group of people".nurse joy takes the eevee and heals it then she says "if you had not come sooner it may not have survived"i nod and leave I walked to the cabin I rented and put the eevee and shinx in my bed I walk down stairs and turn on the tv what I hear next shocked me it said "team skull and it's leader Guzma raid the Pokémon school and take values!"I froze now I don't want to go but I'm worried about the people and Pokémon I just turn of the tv and go to my room to sleep.

Author's note:this is just a fanmade story I came up with if you have any questions just ask me

Word count:430 words

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