The battle of a life time!

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I get to ather paradise and walk up to the base once I get in I send out my dratini and say teleport me to a room she does just that I'm in a room with team magma's logo I say "Maxie I came here to battle let's get this over with" Maxie says "you asked for it" he sends out his Pokémon while I send out vine it was a quick battle with me winning i say to my dratini teleport me to another room she does just that but this time in a room with team aqua logo I say "Archie let's just get this over with" he replied with "Heh foolish child" again I send out vine and he sends out his Pokémon I win and returned my Pokémon and tell dratini to teleport me to another room it has team galactic logo I send out lux and Cyrus does the same I easily win I again tell her to teleport me and get in a room with team flare logo I send out River and Lysandre sends his Pokémon I beat him and teleport to another room with team Plasma logo I send out embers and she beats his Pokémon then lavender teleports me to Giovanni but before we battle he has something to say "you are strong would you like to-" I cut him off but screaming "NO" he looks disappointed but then he sends out his Pokémon and I send out mine I beat him and him and the others leave I walk out and tell dratini to teleport me to my house I think to myself "I should leave to get away from all the craziness I pack my stuff and get ready.

Word count:294 words

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