The pokemon school

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The next day I can't forget what it said on the news it was in my head I wake up shinx and the eevee wakes up to and it looks at me and it figures out I saved it the eevee jumps in excitement and sees one of pokeballs it made a motion like it wanted to become my Pokémon I say "do you want to become my Pokémon" and eevee jumps in joy "alright"I say and throw the pokeball one shake two shakes three shakes and eevee is caught "alright come out eevee!".as I throw the pokeball letting eevee out that was my fifth Pokémon I walk outside to the salty air and start dashing to the Pokémon school I could once I get there it's full of students and Pokémon I walk around and see a door that says "principal oak" I walk in and see a man sitting in a chair with a vulpix I say "excuse me are you principal oak?" He says "yes I'm am principal oak who might you be"."I'm y/n and this is shinx" I say "nice to meet you y/n why are you here" he says I replied with "I'm hear to attend Pokémon school if you don't mind sir" he said "of course you can attend anyone can!" He takes me and shinx to a class with six other students there's and extra desk in the back principal oak says "professor kukui you have a new student her name is y/n" professor kukui looks at me and says "aloha y/n welcome to the Pokémon school everyone introduce your selfs please".a girl with green hair says "aloha I'm mallow" then a boy with black hair and a red streak says "aloha I'm Kiawe" and then a girl with blue hair said "aloha I'm Lana" then a boy with black hair and a Pikachu says "Aloha I'm ash" then a girl with blonde hair says "aloha I'm lillie" then a boy with orange hair says "aloha I'm Sophocles" professor kukui points to the desk in the back I walk over and sit down. after a while I hear someone say "kukui yo get down here yo"then professor kukui says "team skull?" That word hit me harder than a thunderbolt professor kukui says "let me handle this" and leaves the classroom we follow after him Guzma spots me and my shinx kukui is worried that's when shinx jumps out of my hands Guzma looks at my shinx that's when I say "shinx come back!".But shinx doesn't listen Guzma says "well someone wants to battle"I run over and pick up shinx but again shinx jumps out of my arms and is ready to battle professor kukui and the others are surprised shinx started to growl at Guzma he says "well shinx wants to battle!" And gives me an intimidating look I say "fine you can have your battle!" Lillie yells "y/n it's to dangerous!"Then Guzma sends out Golisopod I say "shinx use thunderbolt" Golisopod avoided the attack the Guzma says "use first impression" Golisopod came at shinx so fast but shinx was not giving up then shinx started to glow and then the next thing I know it evolved into luxio I'm stunned that's when Guzma makes a move and yells "use poison Jab"luxio faints "LUXIO"I yell I run over and holds luxio's head up."return" as luxio goes into his pokeball Guzma and team skull leaves I walk home and I'm worried I heal up luxio and lay on my couch in the living room then I hear a knock I open the door and see mallow,Kiawe,ash,Lillie,Lana,and Sophocles I ask "what are you doing here"and they all say "we have all agreed to have a sleepover with you!" I'm shocked and ask "why though?" They all said "because we want to learn more about you I say "okay come in"and shut the door just as I do Luxio and eevee come downstairs "hey luxio an-" ash was interrupted with Lana screaming "you have an eevee to" then she says "sandy come out"just as she does another eevee appears "this is going to be a long night" I say to my self

Word count:724 words

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