Uxexpected vist

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I walk down stairs Guzma is still sleeping on my couch I forgot he broke in last night I grab the object that Pokémon gave me I also grab my five pokeballs I walk down stairs quietly but I drop one it makes a clank sound a Guzma wakes up and grabs it I hide behind the wall of the stairs he throws it up and goes back to sleep I walk out shutting the door behind me I sigh it kinda felt nice having company who am I kidding I don't like the guy right? I walk to the Pokémon school and see that mallow and Lana are having a Pokémon battle I walk to where the lily was she says "where have you been?" I lied and said "luxio chased a Pokémon it took me a while to find him" lily looked down and said "y/n let's have a Pokémon battle I say "I warn you" after the battle both me and lily get ready for ours "go snowy"out appears a white vulpix I say "embers I choose you"out goes Torchic "snowy use powder snow" "embers dodge it just then I see team skull and Guzma walk up but I'm into a good battle so I ignore his presence "embers use fla-"Torchic glowed and evolved into combusken "alright!Embers use flamethrower"direct hit snowy fainted I smiled then ash says "Guzma!"I look and see him look at embers I say"embers return" then he looks at me the others look at him he says "so.hehe that useless Pokémon evolved?" "EMBERS IS NOT USELESS!"I scream they all looked at me like I was about to kill Guzma he says "whatever you say"he walks away with team skull I run out of the gate "y/n wait!"Lana calls out to me run to a cliff and sit down crying saying to myself "your weak already" then a portal opened...

Word count:331 words

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