I quit

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I walked to the counter of the gym challenge the lady said "what can I help you with?" I said "I quit the gym challenge" she looks down in disappointment and types something and told me "alright you have been removed" I walk out and grab my stuff I walk to the airport and wait until my flight arrives I keep petting lavender until I hear "Y/N!" I look up it's hop and Leon I say "what do you want" "why are you leaving?" Leon asks i look down and say "because I miss my friends"I lied and I knew it "hop sits down and says "I know your lying......" I look at him surprised and mumble my words Leon sits in the chair beside me he looks at me "why did you quit the gym challenge" he says "I'm moving back to aloha" I shout he looks at me surprised that's when I hear "all passenger of flight 67 get on board" I get up and walk away not looking back.

Word count:178 words

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