Your back!

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I walk off the plane to the same salty breeze I have a flashback of when I first came here "lavender teleport me to the Pokémon school" she teleports me there it was Saturday so it was closed I walk in and walk to professed kukui's classroom and walk around in it then I say "teleport me to the cabin" she does that and I set my stuff down I return her to her pokeball I walk out and get to town I walk around then i hear "y/n your back!" I turn around and see Lana and the others run to me once they reach me I realize that it's not just them but 4 more people an elder man with white hair looks at the object I have on my wrist that the Pokémon gave me "so you have a z ring?" I look at the object "how did you get one?" A girl shorter with black hair says I actual tell the truth "I got one from this Pokémon when I was being attacked"I pull out a multium everyone is shocked "how did you get a multium z!?" I pull out summer's pokeball and let her out "I got it from summer".

Word count: 211 words

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