Chapter Two

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Picture: Darren Hart

        "Are you sure you're okay?" Arabella asks sweetly, her naked body still draped over mine from when we had sex. "That wasn't like before, and you look sad. What's wrong?"

        She's right, it wasn't like it usually is. This time, while we had sex, I wasn't getting that hard whenever she moaned, I wasn't enjoying her mouth around me, and my mind kept trying to replace her face with a certain someone's instead.

        And it scared me, because my own girlfriend wasn't turning me on doing extremely sexual things while a purple haired faggot got me hard by kissing me.

        Do you understand why I'm freaking out now?

        I nod my head and turn my face away from hers. If I look at her, my mind will try to imagine her as another, someone I could get easily if I wanted, but am too scared to. Scared because it's a guy, scared because I'm straight.

        Scared because it's West.

        "I got to go Bell," I say softly and pry her nude self off me. "Sorry, baby, but I have... Things to do. I'll call you when I get home, okay?"

        My girlfriend frowns, her hair- that was once shockingly red and is now a pretty brown- falling into her face. "Did I do something wrong?" She asks quietly, her eyes filling with tears. "Am I not good enough for you anymore?"

        I inwardly groan and take her into my arms. "No," I sigh. "No, that's not it. You're fine, baby, just fine. I just need to go, okay? I'll be back soon, love."

        I should be calling West "love".

        I jolt back, surprised I even thought that. It shocks me so badly that I grab Arabella and press my lips on hers passionately, trying to let her lips sail me to a place where I love just her, but drowning in emotions as I think of West and how soft his lips were.

        I squeeze my eyes shut and push her back on the bed, letting her body be the key to my straightness.


        "That was better," Arabella says joyfully as we both get dressed. "And you didn't seem sad either! I hope that I can make you happy in any way when your sad!"

        I cringe, suddenly annoyed at her cheerfulness.

        Why is she so goddamn cheery when I may be crushing on someone else?

        I shake my head of those thoughts. No, I just like Arabella. I just love my girlfriend and not some annoying, purple haired queer.

        "Bye Arabella," I call before walking out of her house without another word.


        I knock on Sam's door. Ever since Sam and Kayden got married, Sam totally forgot about college and just wanted go focus on his husband and son, my nephew- who he shares custody of with my cousin.

        "It's open," Sam calls, a crying baby in the background. I open the door to see Sam holding his son Rhett in his arms, trying to get him to stop crying.

        You see, Sam and my cousin- female cousin, I might add. This all happened before Sam realized he was gay- were a thing. They dated and stuff, and before Hannah moved away, they had goodbye-sex.

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