Chapter 2

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The next night, Y/N arrived at 11 p.m. like always. She couldn't forget the feeling that she was being watched. She still needs to confront her friends about it. She wants to know the truth. The big question was, who was watching her? What does it want from her?

Y/N entered her office and set her bag on the table. She only brought a few stuff like snacks, drinks, books and other stuff. Whenever no animatronics can come to chat with Y/N, then she keeps herself busy. That's why she's always bringing stuff with her to not get bored. 

She remembers how she told her animatronic friends that she got gradueted at the age of 18. All of them were shocked. Normally you don't get  gradueted at the age of 18 in college fast. You study for an few years until you can pass final exams. However, Y/N had an secret. Many people think that she hacked, but it isn't true. She studied hard. Her parents were kind of strict people, but not that very strict to force their child to study everyday for hours. Y/N studied everyday for small hours. The reason why she doesn't study for many hours was because she doesn't want to lose her mind like most of the kids around her age. The animatronics were impressed.

Y/N took her jacket off and hangs it around her spinning chair. She then sits down and waits for an few minutes to see if one of her animatronic friends will arrive. Nothing. 

Just as she was about to open her bag, Foxy, Bonnie and Chica ran in, panting. Y/N was very surprised to see them 3. Freddy and Mangle weren't with them. That's when Y/N noticed something on Chica's cheek. Claw marks!

"What happened?" Y/N asked worried.

There was an small silence. They didn't know how to tell her. Y/N was about to ask again until Bonnie cut her off, deciding to tell the story.

"Mangle attacked us. After Chica caught Foxy and Mangle kissing, she took revenge on Mangle by destroying her in pieces. Chica came to me to ask for help. We were searching for Mangle until she attacked us. She left claw marks on Chica's cheek and she knocked me out. Mangle was about to destroy Chica until Foxy came to the rescue in time. Foxy was angry at first but when we told him that we want to fix and help Mangle, he agreed."

Y/N got very shocked. What an sweet revenge story. Well, not sweet but brutal. Y/N feels sorry for all of them. "Where's Mangle now?"

"We don't know. We are searching for her," Foxy this time said.

Y/N nodds understanding while she looks at Chica worried. "Are you ok, Chica?"

Chica showed only an tiny smile, but Y/N saw a lot of guilt on her face. "Yeah, but I feel so guilty. I hope we can find her." She then looks away.

Bonnie placed his hand on Chica's shoulder, giving her an comfort smile as well. Chica smiles back at him. Y/N finds it so cute.

"That's why once we saw you entering, we came to ask for your help as well, Y/N. Will you help us to find Mangle?" Foxy asked, giving her an pleading look.

Bonnie and Chica were doing the same. They can't do it alone.

Y/N shows an small smile. "Of course. Mangle is our friend."

That's when all of the animatronics hugged her. Y/N hugs them back. An minute later, they all pulled away. 

"Let's go," Y/N said with an brave smile. The other's showed it too.

That's when they all left, to search for Mangle and hoping to fix her up.

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