Chapter 12

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Y/N told Springtrap about her plan and he like it a lot. Since he was very rotten, he needs definetly to be fixed up. He was also very happy that Y/N was gonna help him bring Fredbear back. Not by capturing Mangle of course since she's a friend, but with a new chip that has memories of him and Springtrap in it since Freddy put Fredbear's old chip inside Mangle's body. 

Y/N needs tools and books about animatronics. Freddy basically decided to throw the books of Fredbear and Springtrap away since they were gone. 

Bonnie has of course tools when he needs to fix things and has many books about fixing things and animatronics. Did you know that each animatronic has his or her own book about their bodies? What it ment about was that think about Mangle. When she was destroyed, there was a book about her how Bonnie had to fix her up. But Mangle of course destroyed the book while she was angry.

Y/N managed to sneak into Bonnie's office and she looks for tools. She was checking like closets, drawers, everywhere. Once she found tools, she went immediatly to the bookshelf and searched a book of Springtrap, Fredbear and about animatronics. She did managed to find a book about animatronics, but not about Springtrap and Fredbear. Where are they? 

She then went a old wooden door that was in Bonnie's office and opened it. There were old books. Old books that weren't used for years! She read the titles carefully and that's when she finally found a book about Springtrap and Fredbear! Finally! She smiled brightly in happiness and was about to grab them, until she heard footsteps!

Y/N panicked and immediatly went into the old bookshelf. It was a old closet and luckily there's enough space for one person in. Once Y/N was in, she closed the door and peeks through a middlt big key hole since it's an old door. 

She saw Bonnie and Chica. Together. They were chatting. Y/N listened and watched them.

"So... uhm... do you have a crush, Chica?" Bonnie asked shyly, while scratching behind his head.

"Since Foxy is with Mangle, I've been thinking about someone actually," Chica said while smiling shyly.

Chica did felt angry of course once she found out that Foxy and Mangle were together. She did destroyed Mangle, but she learned her lesson. After everything went back to normal, she respected that Foxy and Mangle were together. She accepted it. But ever since Foxy is now with Mangle, she has a guy in her mind that she's keeping an eye on. 

Bonnie couldn't help but feel jealous and even sad. "O-Oh... who is it?" 

Chica smiled and giggles. "It's you, silly!" She then actually grabbed Bonnie by his ribbon and kissed him. 

Bonnie was in fact a shy Bonnie. When you compare Bonnie and Springtrap together, you see differences. Bonnie is a shy rabbit that is very smart. He fixes tools and loves to help. He even plays guitar whenever he has to. Ever since Chica and Foxy were a couple, he was jealous and sad a lot, because he was in love with Chica. But he accepted it. 

Springtrap was a rabbit that once performed with Fredbear. Even though when his best friend was busy with bussiness a lot. He was once a friendly rabbit, until Freddy came. Once Freddy banished him, he managed to live in the warehouse for years. He tried to bring Fredbear back, but didn't succeed. He did almost died when Foxy stabbed him, but Y/N saved him. He changed to a friendly rabbit to a sly one. Why sly? He fell in love with Y/N ever since he saw her for the first time. He wanted to win her heart and wants to protect her. He is very close to win her heart. Very close. 

Bonnie blushed a lot. He cupped Chica's cheek and kissed her back. He was so happy. He wrapped his free arm around Chica's waist while he felt her arms go around his neck.

Y/N was very happy and couldn't help but fangirl quietly.

Ok, so schools in my country will be open on 15th May as a test. If it goes well, then schools will go open on 18th May. I will feel so weird once I set a step in school. I will even see friends again, but I do not want to see some people. Let's just say that it's because I had a fight and felt jealous A LOT.

I'm still working on a video about Steve Cash's life from Talking Kitty Cat videos. I really miss him. He was such a great and funny man. 

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