ch 17 another round of training

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Training with Midnight has been fun. I've learned to use a whip, control her quirk, and made some connections in the hero world. 

One huge part of this training was getting to know other hero's that could help me out in the future and connecting with civilians. Midnight even against my will brought me onto one of her talk shows. In her words, a hero is only as strong as the connections they have. 

During this time I met Endeavour. This is a man I will hate forever. He barely looked at me, but continuously explained the Shoto is a pawn to reach number one. I nearly killed him when he was talking to Midnight about training Shoto since he was 4. It was awful, he basically called Shoto useless because he wouldn't use his fireside to surpass All Might. 

Mabey if you learned how to be a decent human you could become more popular. 

Then later he found out that I was recommended by All Might. His face was glorious. 

What really pissed me off was that Shoto was there the entire time. Like really dude. Shoto took it all and didn't comment, but looked amused at his "fathers" reaction to finding out I was recommended. 

He practically did a 180 flip. He began to ask me questions about my quirk and I shot him a glare but responded respectfully. Shoto was now struggling to hold back his laughter. He knows that I wanted to kill this guy and he was smiling. 

By the end of my visit, I learned 3 things. 

One Endeavor is trash. 

Two Shoto deserves the world but is still a bastard. 

Three, I like Shoto Todoroki. 

We shall not talk about the last one. 

When I got home the first thing I did was call Shoto and begin to curse out his dad. Shoto agreed completely and even helped me learn a few more curse words. 

I told Midnight about my crush on Shoto and she squealed. She then called Nicole and we basically had a girl's day after I called Ocho and Momo. 

Ocho then admitted to liking my brother and I called her my sister right then and there. 

After I told them about my crush on Shoto Momo handed Ocho 20 bucks and Ocho grinned.

" ... did you guys bet on who I liked" I say and Momo and Ocho shake their heads? Before I could say anything else Momo stopped me. 

" We bet on when you would realize it," Momo said and I looked at them wide-eyed. 

Midnight and Nicole burst out laughing and grinned. 

" Momo when do you think Ocho and Izu will get together," I say and the room goes silent as Ocho faints. 

" Well that's that" Midnight stated and we began training again after they left. Right now I am working on my senses and reactions. I realized during USJ that these two things need a lot of work. 

I was basically blindfolded for a week and a half and I had to move around like it was a normal day. Midnight spared with me during these times too. This was really bad. All Might visited during one of these spares and was really happy to find something else I wasn't good at since I had mastered shooting. 

After this torture, I learned a bit. Not enough to be a master but enough to live. I still was getting beat by Midnight but I was able to block a hit or two. 

The for the next week and a half we focused on quirkless fighting. I was really slow without my cougar persona and despite being able to win against Kats, Midnight was a completely different person. 

I once thought that Kats was really strong, but now after seeing Midnight fight....

The overall training was hard but gave me ideas on what to work on. 

Izu was training with All Might and was now able to use All for one at up to 8% but he still went overboard when exited. Kats was training with Kirishima which surprised me. He usually trained solo. When I had free time I would go and spar with them for a bit. Sadly this has only been a few times. 

Between studying, training, and class I could barely have a second to myself. 

Shoto was training Solo and Ocho had Midnight help her when I was the All Might twice a week. 

Thanks to this I can go 20% using All for one and I am having fun embarrassing All Might since he told me that he didn't get to 20% until half a year of having his quirk. 

On the Wednesday before the Sports festival, I learned why All Might was pushing Izu so hard. During the first phase, we cannot have any gear, this includes Izu's strength bracelet. 

Izu will have to rely on his quirk and brains to pass the exam. This same day Izu told me that he didn't want me to help him. I was going to help almost everyone, but seeing the look of resolve on Izu's face I agreed. 

I have been talking to Shoto every once in a while. Every two days we chat for a bit during lunch. His sister came into his room while we were talking and started sharing some baby stories and it was adorable. 

Today was two days before the Sports festival and Midnight let me take the next two days off. 

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