Chapter 1

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Cool air blasted him in the face as Dawon opened the door into Hoya Banking's lobby. He walked into the lobby and looked around, seeing surprisingly a nice little area. 

"There you are!" a woman's voice rang through the lobby from behind the desk as she stood up and walked over to him slowly, the sound of her heels clacking against the floor with each of her steps echoing through the semi empty lobby area.

"Who are you?" Dawon questioned as he looked at the overly friendly seeming woman before him.

"Oh that's right, you've never seen me before! I'm your inadvertent friend, Seolhyun. I figured your mom would've at least mentioned me once before, no?" Seolhyun spoke, questioning Dawon.

"" Dawon said as he looked at the woman.

"What, uh, do you do here?" 

"We do a lot of things! Firstly-"

"No, I mean you."

"Oh! I'm the head secretary. Didn't you see me behind the desk? Of course you did. Now! You might be wondering why you got picked for this establishment, right? Well you're looking at the reason! I put in a good word for you and now, here you are." Seolhyun said as she walked back over to her desk and sat down, typing away at her keyboard.

"Well, uh, thank you? Which way is-"

"Mr. Kim Rowoon's office is back that way honey." Seolhyun replied as she pointed her finger toward his office. "Second door on the left, and you're welcome. Oh, and word of advice, try not to get on his bad side." she said as she smiled and turned around getting back to her work.

Dawon squinted his eyes and nodded, following her directions which led him to a door with a plaque on it which read: "Kim Rowoon, Accountant and Business Advisor."

He looked at the plaque and scoffed.

"What a joke." he said as he tried to peer through the frosted glass that was in the middle of the door, but failing to see past it or any movement in the room in front of him. "Stuck working under some stupid old man."

Dawon spoke as he knocked on the door, hearing someone from the other side of the door.

"It's open."

Dawon turned the door knob, entered the room without looking up and turned, shutting the door behind him before he turned around and saw his internship guide.

He was no old man.

Dawon noticed that he seemed to be quite young for someone in this field and this specific business position. His skin was glowing a soft caramel color, his lips naturally pursed out even when his face was resting, his hair slicked back and to the side, the raven black locks shining under the office's flourescent lights. Dawon was kind've taken aback.

"I look old to you? Sit down and be quiet until I ask you for help."

"Sure, fine. Whatever." Dawon said as he sat down, throwing his suitcase into the chair beside of him in front of Rowoon's desk.

"Don't throw things in my office." Rowoon said as his vision didn't stray from the papers in front of him, his eyes looking through the glasses on his face down onto the text on the papers.

"Our office now." Dawon said, smiling and kicking his suitcase across the floor.

"I'm not going to ask you again."

"Fine, I'll stop. You're no fun." Dawon said, knowing the limits of what he could do here, since he had just got in the door and nobody knew him yet.

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