Chapter 5

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As Dawon pulled up to the front of Hoya Banking, he stopped his car and got out, straightening his tie and smiling widely as he gripped his suitcase in his hands and walked toward the front door, opening it and entering the front lobby.

Seolhyun stood up immediately as she noticed him entering.

"Well look who finally decided to show up!"

"Hi to you too!" Dawon said as he cackled and leaned over, putting an apple on her desk that he had in his hands as he was on his way to Rowoon's office. 

"What's gotten into him?" Seolhyun asked as she noticed Dawon's unusually chiper mood and his demeanor that matched up with it. She shrugged and grabbed the apple he had given her and took a bite out of it as she sat back down in her seat and continued her work.

Rowoon lifted his head up from his work as he noticed the door open, and then noticing that it was Dawon.

He smiled and clicked his pen shut and looked at him as the younger boy shut the door and sat in his regular seat, looking over at him as well.

"Hey Dawon."

Dawon's head tilted and his eyes widened a little.

"How do you know one of my nicknames?"

"I listen."

"Don't call me that, please."

"Why not?"

Dawon rubbed the back of his own neck.

"I want you to call me by my real name. It sounds so much.. uh.. hotter... than that.. coming from you." Dawon said as he looked over at Rowoon, his cheeks starting to turn red.

Rowoon coughed and looked around then leaned over his desk, his mouth next to Dawon's ear.

"Let's not flirt in the office, okay? We'll have much more time for that after work, trust me." Rowoon said as he smirked and sat back down in his chair.

Dawon, cheeks now fully red and he himself flustered and bothered, nodded and coughed into the inner elbow of his suit jacket.


Rowoon looked up and licked his lips, seeing the younger boy flustered before he heard a loud ruckus coming from outside his office.

"You're not going back to that stupid little dance club! Dancing isn't going to offer you anything in life. What're you going to do once you can't dance anymore? Huh?" Mr Kim's voice was heard even through Rowoon's door.

Rowoon got up and motioned for Dawon to follow him as they went out into the lobby to observe the commotion, masking their intentions by playing it off as they were going to the vending machines.

As they got out into the lobby, they were greeted with answers to their quandary. Out from Mr. Kim's office marched Mr. Kim himself, following a tall slender boy. 

"Younghoon?" Dawon whispered to himself. "What's he doing here?" he asked Rowoon where only he could hear him.

"He's Mr. Kim's son."

"That explains why he's always cold and somber then, or so I've heard. I don't go to school with him, he just has a reputation around town." Dawon said as he watched the scene unfold.

"Father, please. Just let me go to dance practice today-" Younghoon started to speak before he got cut off by his father's loud, projecting voice.

"You're going to dance practice alright. But only to tell that boy that you've been hanging around with, Changmin or whatever his name is, that you're done after today. No if's and's or but's, you back talk me and I won't even allow you to go inform him." Mr. Kim said as he stared at his son, who quickly turned around and shook his head, storming out of the building.

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