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~1 year later~

Rowoon sat in the living room of he and Inseong's apartment, clicking through the television channels, unsatisfied with anything that he clicked on. Through the last year, Rowoon has found little joy in the simple things in life and put on a fake smile to please the people around him. He felt like a part of him was missing, and that it could never be replaced and that he himself could never be repaired. Not only had he killed someone, but he lost the love of his life all within a span of 10 minutes.

He sighed as he turned the television off and heard chuckling from behind him.

He got up and turned around to see Inseong and Sunmi walking in the door, Inseong with 3 pizzas in his hand and his other wrapped around Sunmi's waist. 

He leaned over and kissed her on her cheek before she went into the kitchen with him, both of them looking through the room at Rowoon.

After the events of that night, the two had reconciled their former relations and have since been a working functioning couple. Rowoon was jealous of this to no end and hated seeing them together being lovey dovey around him, it twisted his guts and made him sick to his stomach and red hot with envy.

"You gonna have a slice? There's plenty here." Inseong questioned as he took a slice out and smiled, eating some of it before planting another kiss on Sunmi's cheek.

"Nah..I'm not hungry. Thank you though." Rowoon said as he sighed and walked into the kitchen, walking past the duo and over toward the sink, washing his hands.

"Suit yourself! More for us then." Sunmi said as she grabbed a plate from out of the cabinet behind her and put some slices on it for herself as Inseong chuckled, shutting the box as he got his first few slices, putting them in a plate as well.

Rowoon quickly dried his hands and walked to his room before he shut his door behind him and got on his bed, sitting cross-legged and looking down at his phone. 

Turning on his phone and being on it in general hurt. It hurt a lot. His lockscreen and home screen were pictures of he and Sanghyuk that they had taken together before everything went down. He checked his emails and then sat there, staring at his homescreen for a few seconds.

Tears began welling up in his eyes as he rubbed his thumb slightly over the screen where Sanghyuk's face was before he clenched his jaw and put his phone back to sleep, getting up, and walking back out of his room, wiping his eyes before he did so.

He walked past Inseong who was still at the counter eating his food, walking into the living room where he had forgotten his plate of food he had ate before the other two arrived with the pizza, grabbing it and turning around before being interrupted by knocking at the door of the apartment.

Sunmi came back from the bathroom and walked over, grabbing her plate of food and eating some of it before Inseong spoke.

"Can you get that?" he asked Rowoon.

Rowoon nodded and sat his plate back down on the end table in the living room before walking over to the door, opening it and looking at the person on the other side of the door.

Sunmi, watching, seeing, dropped her plate of food, causing the glass plate to shatter on the floor and her mouth hang open.

Rowoon's eyes widened significantly before he looked in front of him.




Author's Note:

So. We don't talk about this fic. Nice ideas but horrible execution :( I hope you all liked it anyways !  I'm going to ATTEMPT. key word is ATTEMPT to start writing again if I have the time to because I do miss it I just have so little time or motivation or ideas in general :( Once again I hoped you enjoyed it even a little and have a great day <3

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 12, 2022 ⏰

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