13 - leaving

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a couple of hours had passed. everybody who was sober before was now drunk, and everybody who was already drunk was now wasted. everybody including ethan.

the boys were all hanging out in ken's back garden. they were sat on the patio with beer and phones in their hands. they were just talking and sharing dumb stories, laughing at each other and just having fun. nobody else was out there, they were all inside. they had the whole garden to themselves.

seán's phone was continuously buzzing. every time it sounded he rolled his eyes, not even checking what the notifications said.

"who the fuck keeps messaging you?!" mark asked in furious curiosity.

"who do you fucking think?" seán replied. that didn't leave much to the imagination. everybody instantly got the hint and knew who it was.

"tell him to fuck off." ethan suddenly chimed in. everybody stared at him and laughed. they never expected anything like that to come out of him.

"i didn't know you were capable of cussing." tyler commented.

"'cussing'? jeez, you sound like my mother." the boys all laughed again. ethan was definitely pissed. but then again, so was everybody else there.

the phone continued to buzz until it got to the point where seán picked it up and began typing angrily. when he was done he practically slammed the floor down onto the patio. surprisingly, the phone screen didn't crack.

"what did you say to him?" bob asked. everybody leaned in to listen.

"i told him that i'm busy having fun right now and i don't want to talk to him, so i'll do it when i feel like it." everyone nodded in agreement and then that was the end of that. the phone stopped buzzing and everybody went back to telling dumb stories and laughing at each other and having fun like they were before. about another two hours passed and the boys were still sat outside, but even more wasted than they were before.

"what time is it?" wade asked no one in particular. mark checked his watch.

"it's 12. you guys wanna head back?" everybody nodded and got themselves up off of the floor. they all wobbled and nearly fell over on top of each other, but managed to regain most of their balance. they made their way inside. they noticed that it had gotten a little less busy, but there were still a ton of people there, some of whom were passed out on the floor with spilt cups of beer in their hands. the guys stepped over them as if they were dead bodies, and were about to leave when they heard a familiar voice.

"hey. where you guys going?!" the boys turned around to fave who was talking to them. it was ken.

"my place." mark answered.

"you're not gonna stay a little longer? you guys are the life of the party!"

"we haven't talked to any of the other fuckers here. we've spent the past four hours sitting outside on our own." mark answered again, growing more and agitated with every word he spoke. ken got the hint and made one final comment before saying goodbye and backing off. that's when the boys stepped outside into the familiar fresh air. mark walked in front of everybody else, leading them towards his house.

"ready for a massive hangover in the morning?" tyler asked, to which everyone groaned.

"my mom's gonna kill me..." ethan mumbled, but mostly everyone managed to make out what he said.

"it's all part of the high school experience." tyler replied, chuckling.

"you mean the high school experience of jocks, white bitches and actually nice popular people." everyone nodded and exchanged looks with each other.

it took a while, but the boys eventually got to mark's house. this was incredibly weird for ethan. as mentioned before, he hadn't stayed over at anybody's house in years. walking into that house almost took his breath away. it came as a great shock to him that he hadn't been at his new school for that long and he was already sleeping at other people's houses.

they all entered the living room and mark began to explain where everybody would be sleeping.

"so, obviously i'm going to be sleeping in my room, on my own, with nobody else, so don't try it. bob and wade, you're sleeping down here. the couch folds out into one of those weird bed things. tyler, you're sleeping in my mom and dads room. i swear to god if you break anything, get it super messy, throw up on anything, i'm gonna kill you. ethan, you have a choice. you can either share my parents room with tyler or the guest room with seán. felix was gonna go with seán but i made that plan before he decided he wasn't going to come tonight. choice is yours."

ethan knee straight away what he wanted. he wanted to stay in the same bed as seán. but he gave it a few seconds before he answered. if he answered straight away, he probably would have looked really weird.

"um...i'll just go with seán." and then, out of the corner of his eye, ethan caught a glimpse of seán smiling. was he smiling because they were sharing a room together? or was it something completely different? was ethan just over reacting again, like he always did? or was he really in his right mind?

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