Chapter 5

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Lin Feiran shook his head, then scanned the seemingly normal dormitory room once more before hesitating and nodding.

He first shook his head because he felt that he was wide awake throughout his vision, and because what he saw seemed real and was definitely not a dream. He then nodded his head because there was no possible explanation for what he saw other than it being a nightmare. After all there are no ghosts in the world, right? But why did they disappear once he leaped onto Gu Kaifeng's bed?

Lin Feiran stared vacantly at Gu Kaifeng for a moment and spotted hints of amusement in his eyes. He hurriedly wiped away the tears that he had cried in fright and frantically turned away from Gu Kaifeng before, red-faced, climbing back up onto his own bed.

F**k, he had lost all the face he had in this lifetime in front of Gu Kaifeng today!

The fear from the "nightmare" he had still hadn't completely dissipated, and Lin Feiran could no longer sleep. Therefore, he didn't lie down after climbing onto his bed but turned on his reading light and hugged it as he leaned against the wall. Biting his lips, Lin Feiran looked around the room nervously.

The terrifying face of the female ghost resurfaced in his mind, making the timid Lin Feiran unnerved to the point that his hands and feet became cold. He groped for his phone beneath his pillow, wanting to chat with someone, only to find that he had forgotten to charge it for the entire day and it had only 10% battery left.

Lin Feiran felt reluctant to use it, so he cradled the phone preciously in his hands. He didn't want to talk to his archnemesis, but it was too quiet in the room - so silent that he felt panicked. After struggling with his own subconscious for a while, he called out, "Gu Kaifeng."

Because of his fright, Lin Feiran's voice sounded gentler than usual to the point that it sounded frail, like he was pouting.

Gu Kaifeng was silent for a moment, then responded. "... Hm?"

"What time are you sleeping?" Lin Feiran continued to ask softly.

Gu Kaifeng's voice sounded a bit hoarse. "After I'm done reading this book, in half an hour."

Lin Feiran responded weakly with a soft sound.

The dormitory room was restored to its previous silence.

Once everything around him became quiet, Lin Feiran couldn't keep his imagination from running wild. He wasn't even able to remain silent for half a minute. Lin Feiran hugged his knees and softly asked, "What book are you reading?"

Gu Kaifeng cleared his throat and replied, "A fiction, it's called 《The Death of Living Corpses》."

Lin Feiran, who was just frightened by a "nightmare," was further spooked by the name of this book and his fear level increased by 5 points. He pursed his lips and shifted to curl up in the corner, pressing his back against the wall before quietly turning his reading light to its brightest setting.

Half a minute later, the scared Lin Feirancalled out again, "Gu Kaifeng?"

Gu Kaifeng replied, "What's wrong?"

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