Chapter 23.1

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At this moment, there was a knock on the door behind Lin Feiran, and Gu Kaifeng’s mother could be heard, “Kaifeng, Feiran, we are going to the company. You guys make sure to get your homework done this morning, you hear?” 

Gu Kaifeng halted abruptly. Gritting his teeth, he straightened up and replied, “Got it, Mom.”

Lin Feiran took this opportunity to push Gu Kaifeng away. Opening the bedroom door, he smiled and said, “Goodbye, Auntie.”

She nodded, the corners of her lips curling into a smile as she turned and walked away.

Lin Feiran’s heart was beating ferociously; his thoughts were somewhat disoriented and his face felt a bit hot. He felt like Gu Kaifeng’s interrupted actions just now were very strange, but he dared not think too deeply about them. He bent over and picked up the obedient Xia Xia, who had remained near his feet the entire time, and teased him a couple of times. Still looking down at Xia Xia he asked Gu Kaifeng, “Where’s the leash? I’ll keep him tied up to prevent him from running away.” 

Gu Kaifeng had no choice but to go search for the leash, and finding it he fastened it on Xia Xia’s collar.

Lin Feiran changed his clothes and checked for his phone and wallet. He then looped the leash around his own wrist twice before he picked Xia Xia up and gave him a kiss, “Today you’re hanging out with Bro Ran~.”

Xia Xia barked cheerfully.

“See you this afternoon.” Lin Feiran rushed past Gu Kaifeng, waving his hand with an earnest expression. “Stay home and diligently do your homework. If you have difficulty, you can reference mine… but you can’t look at my literature workbook.” 

Lin Feiran felt embarrassed with his answer for the classical Chinese poetry appreciation!

Gu Kaifeng was leaning on a wall in the front hall, arms crossed as if hugging himself. “Got it,” he smiled gently, “See you this afternoon.”

Lin Feiran carried Xia Xia and left the estate. He called a taxi and, about two hours later, reached his family’s ancestral home.

There did not appear to be any changes since he last returned. Green hills and clear water stretched into the distance. The bird on the peach tree in front of the door flapped its wings and hopped from branch to branch, settling on the ridge of the roof. The air carried the faint scent of the dying embers of burned incense, which was dispersed by the wind blowing from the banks of the lake. Lin Feiran pushed open the door to a familiar courtyard. Within the courtyard came the sound of Da Huang’s vigilant barking.

"Da Huang?" Lin Feiran widened his eyes.He had thought that his other relatives would take Da Huang in and did not expect to see the dog when he returned. Seeing that the person came is Lin Feiran, Da Haung tossed his head and wagged his tail, panting as he ran over, his tounge lolling. Reaching Lin Feiran, he arched his head affectionately against his tight.

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