Chapter 11

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After sitting in math class for a while, Gu Kaifeng opened his notebook and wrote something down. He pushed the book to the edge of his desk towards Lin Feiran and tapped it with a slender finger, hinting at him to look.

Lin Feiran lowered his head, admiring the beautifully written characters with envy as he read—”Do you want to be near me that badly?”

Lin Feiran blushed hard. When the teacher wasn’t paying attention he grabbed the notebook, quickly scribbled a reply, and threw it back. 

—”No! I want to sit at the back because it’s more convenient to play on my phone!”

Lin Feiran’s handwriting was originally quite bad and now that he wrote in a rush and without a desk for support, his characters became so ugly they looked almost like a dog wrote them with its paw. Gu Kaifeng stroked his chin and moved closer to the page, furrowing his brows as he seriously tried to decipher Lin Feiran’s handwriting.

“……” Lin Feiran was so embarrassed he wished he could turn back time to write those characters over!

Gu Kaifeng pointed at the words “I want to sit”and asked with a soft voice, “What does this say?” 

When the math teacher turned around to write on the blackboard, Lin Feiran bent over and whispered slowly in Gu Kaifeng’s ear: “I——want——to——sit——”.

Gu Kaifeng let out a chuckle.

Wang Zhuo looked like he couldn’t restrain himself anymore and teased, “Damn, you two are still at it…?”

Lin Feiran was dumbfounded and reacted on impulse; he couldn’t help but willingly provoke his protective talisman. In a fluster, he stepped mercilessly on Gu Kaifeng’s pair of at-least-15000-yuan limited edition basketball sneakers! 

He even ground down several times on Gu Kaifeng’s toes…

In any case, if he was going to stomp once, he may as well stomp until he was satisfied — after all, he’d been wanting to do this for a while! The petty Lin Feiran was both happy and free of regrets.

Gu Kaifeng bit his lip and endured. It wasn’t until the math teacher finished writing and turned around that Lin Feiran reluctantly withdrew his foot.

Time flew by quickly and the bell rang, announcing the lunch break at noon. The math teacher tidied up her teaching materials and left the classroom. Just when the students were about to sprint to the cafeteria as if they were in a one-hundred-meter race, the homeroom teacher suddenly appeared at the classroom door. Popping her head in, she said, “We’re going to change the seating arrangement, Li Ze.” 

Li Ze was the student sitting behind Zhang Xu; he sat in the second row from the back.

The homeroom teacher said, “Li Ze, you sit at Lin Feiran’s seat. Wang Zhuo, you sit at Li Ze’s seat. Lin Feiran, sit at Wang Zhuo’s seat. Finish moving during the break.”

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