Chapter 7

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“You can lie closer.” Gu Kaifeng shared half the blanket with Lin Feiran before he shifted closer to the edge of the bed, closed his eyes, and went to sleep.

Lin Feiran slowly covered his body with the blanket. The blanket seemed like it was recently washed and air-dried under the sun; it was fluffy and soft to the touch and emitted the faint scent of detergent. Maybe it was a placebo effect, but Lin Feiran felt comfortable and warm being covered by Gu Kaifeng’s blanket.

After two or three minutes, Gu Kaifeng’s breathing gradually slowed. He hadn’t turned off the reading lamp near the bedpost and instead had left it on its dimmest setting. The soft, dim light enhanced the beautiful contour of his profile. With his long, thick eyelashes lying motionless against his cheeks, his calm sleeping face seemed like a painting. Lin Feiran hugged his corner of the blanket and watched Gu Kaifeng for a moment. Thinking that Gu Kaifeng should be asleep, Lin Feiran carefully lay on his back. As both boys had healthy physiques, Lin Feiran’s being slim and Gu Kaifeng’s being toned, neither person took up too much space on the bed. With Gu Kaifeng sleeping near the edge, even with the two of them lying flat on their backs, they were still separated by a small gap.

Lin Feiran moved his lower leg towards Gu Kaifeng until it brushed against his calf to ensure their limbs maintained contact.

Putting aside the fact that Lin Feiran is deathly afraid of ghosts, even if he weren’t scared, listening to more than ten people screaming and disco-dancing in his dorm room in the middle of the night would be enough to make him want to kill himself.

However, just as he made contact with Gu Kaifeng’s calf, Gu Kaifeng’s leg smoothly bent at the knee, lifting his calf off the bed. Because of this, Lin Feiran couldn’t reach it anymore.

Is he doing this on purpose…… Lin Feiran reached out his hand and waved it in front of Gu Kaifeng’s face for a time, trying to see if he was really asleep or not, but Gu Kaifeng didn’t move at all.

After waiting a while, Lin Feiran bent his arm towards Gu Kaifeng to touch Gu Kaifeng’s arm with his elbow. Feeling Gu Kaifeng’s warmth radiating through his pyjamas, Lin Feiran became a little more relaxed.

However, after touching for only a second, Gu Kaifeng suddenly raised his hand and scratched the tip of his nose. Because of this, Lin Feiran couldn’t touch his arm anymore.

“……” Is this guy really asleep or just pretending? Lin Feiran sat up bitterly and stared closely at Gu Kaifeng’s face while hovering over him like a ghost.

Gu Kaifeng’s eyes remained closed, giving off the appearance of someone in a deep sleep. 

Lin Feiran had no choice but to lie back down. After a moment, he begrudgingly moved towards Gu Kaifeng again, using his left shoulder to press lightly against Gu Kaifeng’s right shoulder.

However, right after Lin Feiran finishedmoving, Gu Kaifeng turned and went from lying on his back to lying on his side, directly facing Lin Feiran. Because of this Lin Feiran's shoulder couldn't maintain contact.

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