Chapter 24

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The two sat face-to-face on Lin Feiran’s bed, their faces very close to each other. Gu Kaifeng was emitting some kind of restless energy from his whole body, as if he were itching to make trouble. Worried Gu Kaifeng would force a kiss on him just because of one disagreement, Lin Feiran covered his lips with his hand and avoided Gu Kaifeng’s gaze. “You go down first, let me stay here for a while by myself.” 

“Alright.” Gu Kaifeng climbed down from the upper bunk happily, smiling from ear to ear. He did not look at all like someone whose confession was rejected.

Although it was true that he was rejected, Gu Kaifeng was unexpectedly enraptured by the sweetness he felt in his heart.

There was instead a more imminent problem!

Lin Feiran had wanted to go to the water room to wash his face so he could calm down and avoid Gu Kaifeng. But as if aware of his intentions, Gu Kaifeng had taken a book, sat himself on his swivel chair, and pushed off with his foot so he slid over to the door. He sat there like a Door God. This way, if Lin Feiran wanted to leave the dorm room, he would have to ask Gu Kaifeng to move. However, Lin Feiran was already too embarrassed to say anything more to Gu Kaifeng. He could only withdraw into his blanket like a little turtle into its shell. He placed the palm of his hand over his chest, trying to calm his throbbing heart. 

Lin Feiran was somewhat perplexed. Logically, he should have felt uncomfortable, angry, and even nauseous after being forcefully kissed by someone of the same sex. But in fact, there was nothing; he just felt like his head had become an empty shell. There was nothing left in it but the thump, thump, thump of his wildly beating heart, which passed from his blood to his bones to echo in his hollow head.

It took a while for this wondrous feeling to disappear.

Lin Feiran lay on the bed, covered in his blanket from head to toe. He stared vacantly at the bed’s railings for a moment, then hesitantly touched his lips with his finger. As soon as they were touched, the pair of lips that were sucked by Gu Kaifeng reddened and burned. Lin Feiran felt like he was scorched by coals and retracted his hand into a fist, the fingertip that had touched his lips feeling a bit moist.

What’s the matter with me ah, why am I not angry… Lin Feiran recalled the kiss, trying to elicit “normal” reactions of disgust or dislike, but failed. Instead, his cheeks became more and more red as if he were having a high fever. His violent heartbeat that had been very difficult to soothe had also returned in a swirl of dust.

Aaaaah! How did this happen!
Lin Feiran roared and punched the bedframe.

Gu Kaifeng, who had been sitting by the door reading, looked up at Lin Feiran. The scene of Lin Feiran roaring and punching the bedframe entered his eyes. To him, the effect was almost the same as a kitten meowing and using its little pink paw to swat a teaser wand cat toy.

Gu Kaifeng asked, "What's wrong?"

As soon as he heard Gu Kaifeng's voice, Lin Feiran panicked for a second. Recomposing himself, he answered in a sullen voice, "Nothing, I'm just shouting..."

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