Chapter 19

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Gu Kaifeng peeled several more grapes and fed them to Lin Feiran, intentionally touching Lin Feiran’s lips multiple times. His lips were soft, smooth, and moist, making Gu Kaifeng almost forget himself. He gradually stopped hiding his furtive movements, so when he peeled another grape and brought it over, Lin Feiran suddenly stuck out his neck and bit down on Gu Kaifeng’s finger. 

Gu Kaifeng was startled and took a moment to react before pulling back his hand with a laugh. In a soft voice, he admonished, “Little dog Lin.”

Lin Feiran turned his head to glare at him, baring a row of small white teeth. “I think you were asking to be bit.”

“Can’t do the last question?” Seeing that he had ruffled Lin Feiran’s feathers, Gu Kaifeng calmly changed the topic. He scooted over to look at Lin Feiran’s workbook.

“Nn—” Lin Feiran dragged out his reply in his dissatisfaction. “I could do the first and second sub-questions, but the third… I need to think about it more. I already have some ideas.” 

He had been ahead of Gu Kaifeng the whole time, but who knew he’d get stuck on the last question? Lin Feiran wasn’t very happy and his little tail couldn’t stick up in pride anymore. Instead, it drooped with disappointment.

“Want a hint?” Gu Kaifeng asked.

Lin Feiran resolutely declined, “Don’t want one. I can definitely solve it myself.”

Gu Kaifeng glanced at the clock and said, “It’s too late. Let’s sleep first; you can take your time and think about it when you get up tomorrow morning.” 

Lin Feiran firmly refused once more. “Not going to sleep. I want to cultivate.”

He wanted to cultivate in the Sect of Mathematics!

Gu Kaifeng picked up the soundly sleeping Xia Xia from Lin Feiran’s lap, walked out of the study, and placed him on his dog bed. When he returned, he closed Lin Feiran’s workbook in a way that did not abide refusal. He wanted to laugh when he saw how Lin Feiran was so sleepy his eyes were glazing over. “You almost can’t keep your eyes open, yet you’re still being stubborn. Be good and go to sleep. Just get up at seven tomorrow and do it then, wouldn’t that be okay?”

“Not okay. You’ve solved it…” Lin Feiran wasn’t content with losing and tried to flip open his workbook again when suddenly his whole body grew light. By the time he reacted, Gu Kaifeng had already picked him up from the swivel chair. What’s more, Gu Kaifeng was holding him with one arm against Lin Feiran’s back and the other beneath the crook of his knees. Directly carrying him in his arms, Gu Kaifeng strode towards the bedroom. 

Lin Feiran struggled a bit, protesting, “Hey!”

“Rest first. I’ll wake you up bright and early tomorrow.” Gu Kaifeng kicked open the partially ajar bedroom door and put Lin Feiran down on the legendary three-person bed. Instead of pulling himself back up, Gu Kaifeng took advantage of this motion to prop himself up with his arms on either side of Lin Feiran. He closed the gap between them and lightly pressed down on Lin Feiran’s whole body with his own. With a chuckle in his voice, he whispered, “Do what you’re told.”

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