Chapter 17

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Gu Kaifeng gazed at the extremely uncomfortable Lin Feiran and gently revealed a smile. Shortly after, he asked, “When is your birthday?” 

“November 9th,” Lin Feiran replied.

Gu Kaifeng blurted without thinking, “Scorpio.”

Lin Feiran smiled, “Yeah, I know my sign. How’s Scorpio?”

A mischievous glint flashed through Gu Kaifeng’s eyes and he deliberately said, “Scorpios are jealous, sensitive, narcissistic, and vindictive…” 

Lin Feiran’s face darkened for a moment. His lips moved as though to speak before he dejectedly pursed them again, “……”

Even though he wanted to protest, this sounded just like him ah!

Gu Kaifeng observed Lin Feiran’s self-censorship with amusement and changed his tune, “Those are the negatives, but there are more positives than negatives: Scorpios are smart, have a mysterious personality, are full of charisma, have an acute sixth-sense, are mentally and spiritually strong, are talented in art…”

“Now that sounds just like me.” The corners of Lin Feiran’s lips showed a proud smile. 

But then Gu Kaifeng’s tone started to intensify, “Scorpios’ sexual appetite is very strong…”

Lin Feiran said, “Hey!”

Gu Kaifeng continued, “Might seem asexual on the outside…”

Lin Feiran interrupted again, “Hey hey!” 

Gu Kaifeng continued, “But on the inside they’re passionate like fire…”

Lin Feiran’s face was completely red as he protested, “Hey hey hey!”

Just now, the small tail that had been rising slowly came down and cautiously blocked his little chrysanthemum!

At the same time, the Yorkie jumped out of Gu Keifeng's arms and onto the ground, ran to his food bowl at the corner of the room, and buried his little head in the bowl as he ate big mouthfuls of dog food.

Lin Feiran felt that he was particularly wronged and retorted, "My sexual appetite isn't strong at all. What the horoscope is saying is nonesense."

Gu Keifeng raised his eyebrows and queried, "Really?"

Lin Feiran hastily nodded, “You don’t know me. I’m a person with a pure heart. When I see beautiful women, my heart doesn’t waver at all. I might admire them, but very rarely do I get such immoral thoughts. I think I’m already disillusioned with the material world.”

It’d be strange if you got such immoral thoughts about women; do you think that I can’t see through you? The corner of Gu Kaifeng’s lips raised and he let out a small laugh. 

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