Sneak Peak into Inuzuka: Book 2

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Sakura runs excitedly past me, a large grin on her face. "What's got you so smiley?" She turns to me, sightly startled. "Naruto's back!" I raise a brow. "About time. Where is he?" She laughs. "Probably either at Ichiraku's or home. We are testing against Kakashi-Sensei tomorrow." I laugh. "It won't be very easy, so rest up. I may make it look easy, but I had trained since I could walk." She nods. "Thanks Akahana. I am going to go home and rest." I nod and watch as she rushes back home.

I placed my hands in my pockets and walked to the barbeque restaurant where Kiba and I were getting dinner. He had been gone for 3 weeks due to a mission. Akamaru trots up happily to me and gives a large lick across the side of my face. "Hey bud. How are ya?" He gives a small bark and I scratch his ears. "No hello for me?" I look to see Kiba standing, arms crossed and a brow raised. "Of course. Come here dork." He laughs and kisses my cheek. "I swear, I am never taking that long of a mission alone. I missed you so much." I roll my eyes. "You have no Idea how much I missed you. Not to mention the second you got home this morning you went straight to sleep." He scratches the back of his head embarrassedly. "Yeah, sorry about that."

I grab his hand and drag him into the restaurant. We take a seat at the table. "So, another body-guard detail? How was it." He groans. "I sometimes wish you never built my muscle up the way you did. She was so annoying." I laugh. "Sucks for you." He deadpans. "Gee, thanks." I snicker into my hand. "Love you." He smiles at me, before turning to the waiter and ordering the meat and drinks. He grabs my hand from across the table. "But seriously, I missed you. Hated her. She was like Haruto 2.0." He shivers dramatically. "You lived didn't you?" The waiter comes back with three plates of meat and some water.

We joke while cooking the meat, before quieting while eating. What can I say, the food is good. We eat in relative silence before Asuma and His team decide to join us. We get out of there after paying, not wanting to be the one to pay their tab. We walk around for a bit, before deciding to head home. I watch the sunset from the balcony. "What an amazing day."

Momochi (Kiba Inuzuka) *CURRENTLY BEING REWRITTEN*Where stories live. Discover now