The DX

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"Should we wake them up?" I hear Ponyboy whisper. I don't open my eyes.

"I didn't know they were together." I hear another voice, Steve's.

"They weren't," This time it's Two-Bit.

"Man, I should have gotten her when I had the chance." Two-Bit says.

"They're so cute." I hear Steve snicker.

I moan, "Ugh, guys, get out."

I get up, moving Soda's arm off of me, and push them out of the room. They're laughing and snickering. Then, I lock the door.

When I turn around, Soda is sitting up, grinning.

"What?" I demand.

"You always amused me." He says, and he opens his arms. I crawl into them.

"Caren, would you be my girlfriend?" He asks suddenly.

I'm scared for a second, he is amazing, sweet, funny, reckless, but am I ready?

I decide, " Yes, of course. I love you."

"I love you too." He reply's.

He catches the time, "God, I gotta get to work. So do you."

I check, we're almost late. After Dally died, Steve and Soda asked if I wanted to work at the DX as the cashier, I said sure.

We jump out of bed, and he leaves the room to change.

I scramble to find some decent clothes, and dig out a nice pair of jeans. I pair them with a blue shirt. I find my converse, and tie them on, before running out of my room.

Two-Bit is watching tv, Ponyboy is getting ready for school, and Steve and Darry have left for work.

I grab an apple, and wait by the door for Soda. 

He grabs one too, and we walk over to the DX together, holding hands.

As we reach DX, Steve greats us.

"Hey love birds, thought you'd never come."

Soda shoves him, and I laugh, " So are you or not?"

We look at each other for a second, Soda shrugs, "Yeah."

"Just a second." Steve says as he runs up to where Two-Bit is coming down the street.

"You owe me five." He yells, and Two-Bit grunts, handing him a five dollar bill.

"You were betting on us?" I ask, crossing my arms.

"Yeah, Two-But thought it would be at least a year, I bet it would be a few months. And I won." Steve says, rubbing his victory in Two-Bit's face.

Two-Bit looked as if he were pouting. I laugh, and Soda goes along with me.

We walk into DX and I get started working on my job. Two-Bit sulks around a little bit until he decides to head back over the Soda's house. Well, it's mine now too.

A few people come through, business is good.
After a little while, a couple of girls walk in, asking for Soda or Steve.

"They're back there. I'll go get them." I offer, but the blond girl cuts me off, "No, it's fine. We'll go."

I cross my arms, but watch as they disappear around the corner of the shop.

After a while, I hear Soda's voice as he walks toward me.

"Sorry," He apologizes, " But I'm taken." He puts his arms around my waist.

The blonde girl huffs, and turns to face her friends, "Let's go, she's too ugly for him. Bet it's been five days since she's taken a shower."

I glare at them. Soda tightens his grip around my waist.

"I don't understand why you have to be so rude. Caren is the best girl any one could ever have. Your boyfriends only wish they could have her." Soda spats, the blonde girl walks away, pretending not to notice.

I turn to face him, "Your so sweet."

"I know." He grins and kisses me.

"Break it up, break it up." Steve says as he walks in.

Soda and I look at him, then start laughing, he goes along with us.

"Lunch break, wanna come to The Dingo?" Steve asks walking out the door.

"Yeah sure." Soda replies, and he takes my hand.

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