Sandy - Two months later

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I sip my water, another day, another time to work.

I look up as the door to DX opens, a girl walks in, blonde hair, short. Something is familiar about her.

She walks up to the counter and mutters, "I don't remember there being a cashier."

"Well there is now." I reply, and I earn a glare from her.

"I'm here to see Soda." She requests, crossing her arms.

"Soda is busy. What do you need?" I continue to glare back at her.

As if on cue, Soda walks out from the shop, "Caren, wanna go to the Dingo with Steve and-" He stops mid sentence, his face pales.

The girl just stares back, Soda stops walking, he looks as if he saw something dead.

"Uh- Sandy. Why-why are you here?" Soda stutters.

Then I understand, this is that bitch that broke my boyfriends heart, the one I have always wanted to kill.

I glare at her some more, she glares at Soda, and Soda just stands there.

"Soda, I need to talk to you." Sandy demands.

Soda only stares at her. I step in, "What do you want from him. You already broke his heart."

She turns her head slightly, "We have unfinished business."

"Caren, I'll handle this. Go to the Dingo with Steve. I'll come later." Soda says, stepping forward.

For some reason I don't trust them, I know Soda still loved her even after she left him. She could take advantage again.

"I'll wait outside." I say finally, and Soda doesn't hesitate.

I walk out from behind the counter and pass Sandy," You hurt him, I kill you." I whisper the threat to her, loud enough for Soda to hear.

I open the door to DX and stand there. Steve sees me, "Don't worry, Soda can take care of himself."

"It's not really that, it's just that Soda was
finally getting back together, and then Sandy has to come. She's going to ruin him."

"He's fine. He's almost 17."

I sigh, then I hear some yelling. I rush back inside with Steve behind me.

Soda is by a car, and is throwing something, Sandy is standing near by, flinching.

"Dally?! How could you?!?" Soda rants, I run over to comfort him.

I hold his arms down, and he looks into my eyes, he seems to calm a little.

"Git out, you've done enough!" I hear Steve yell, and in the corner of my eye, I see Steve send Sandy out with hesitation.

Soda slouches to the ground, he's trying hard not to cry.

"Soda? What happened?" I ask quietly. He doesn't answer, only takes me in his arms and hugs me.

"Sodapop, I need to know." I persist.

"Ya know when Sandy left cause she was pregnant?"

"Yeah." I recall.

"Well, turns out Dally was the one she cheated on me with, and that kid is his son." He says, choking on the last words.

"Soda, it's not your fault, Dally is dead. There's nothing ya can do. But I'm here, I will always be here." I say, holding his face in my hands, I smile.

"Oh Caren, I don't deserve ya." Soda says hopefully.

"You deserve every happiness in the world." I say, quoting him.

He smiles, then helps to haul us onto our feet.

"Let's go back the house." Steve offers. We walk out of the door, and Steve locks it.

We all walk side by side down the street.

"Today was crazy." Steve says to start a conversation.

"Yup, almost got your head cut off." I joke.

"Hey, I realized that you've been here so long, you haven't even met my girl, Evie."

I realized that awhile ago, but I didn't say anything.

"Oh yeah, what were you planning on doing?" I ask, stuffing one hand in my pocket, the other is holding Soda's hand.

"What if we all go on a double date, to Bucks or some other party?" He offers.

I'm not a big fan of parties, and Soda doesn't drink alcohol. But what could go wrong?

"Sure." Soda says finally as we reach our house. We walk in to find Two-Bit, Darry, Darry's new girl, Renae, and Ponyboy all lounging on the couch.

They looked at us as they came in, and see Soda's face. They didn't say anything, which was good.

Soda didn't seem in the mood, so he dropped his head and muttered," I'm goin to bed."

I sunk down on the couch, then realized everyone was waiting for me to say something.

I look at Steve for assistance, but he only gives me a look. A look that means I need to talk to Soda.

"I'll be right back." I mutter, and hurry to the room Soda and I share now.

I close the door, Soda looks up, "Would it be okay if we told everyone?"

He looks thoughtful for a moment, "I don't want everyone hating Dally. But we can't keep it secret for long. Steve won't be able to."

"So?" I ask.

"So I guess, but I want you to say it." He pleads.

I roll my eyes, "Okay, are ya gonna come out with me?"

He grins now, "Yeah."

We walk out the door, everyone's head is turned toward us.

"What happened?" Darry asks, true concern shows on his face.

"Sandy showed up, and told Soda that she left cause she was pregnant with Dally's kid." I say, I kinda choke on the words, they taste like dirt in my mouth.

Darry closes his eyes, and Renae comforts him. Two looks angry, more than I've ever seen him, and Steve looks fine, bored even. Ponyboy looks a little confused.

"But we're all fine, so let's forget about it." Soda breaks in.

I nod in response, and we all sit down.

Steve finally breaks the silence, "So you comin to the party at Buck's?"

Greaser Girl // Sodapop CurtisWhere stories live. Discover now