Chocolate Cake Surprise

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I wake up, the sun blinding me. I cover my eyes with my hand.

I groan, sitting up. It's a Sunday, no work.

I dig in the drawer, finding my pack of cigarettes.

I step out the door, opening a window before lighting my cancer stick.

The sun is coming in through these windows too, and I have to squint to look outside.

I hear a sound, and turn to find Two-Bit sneaking in through the backdoor.

"What y'a doin?" I ask, and he stops when he sees me.

"Nothin." He lies.

I scoff, "Your lyin."

He sighs and chuckles, "Happy Birthday."

I glare at him in alarm, "How did ya know it's my birthday?"

"Dally told me."

For a second I'm surprised, I knew Dally cared about me, but not enough to remember my birthday.

I nod slowly, and he joins me by the window, taking out his own cigar.

I puff out a breath of smoke in his face, and he coughs. I laugh.

"What do ya wanna do for your birthday?"

I shrug, I had never liked getting a lot of attention, which was why I never liked my birthday. This year I was turning 17, I should be celebrating.

"Come on, ya gotta have somethin." Two urges, nudges me.

I laugh, "I really don't."

"I'll find somethin for ya to do." Two promises, and moves tot he couch where he turns on the tv. Mickey is playing, and immediately, Two is glued to the screen.

I turn to face the window again, before deciding to cook myself a cake.


As I finished placing the cake on the counter, Soda rushed out of the room.

"What's the occasion?" He asks, running a hand through his hair.

Two looks over for a second, "It's her birthday."

Soda looks at me, alarmed. "Why are ya cookin?"

"Cause no one else in this house can cook." I reply, joking.

"I can too." He furrows his brows, giving me a funny smile.

"Last time ya cooked, we ate green pancakes." I joke.

Two laughs from the couch.

Soda tries to look offended, but break into a smile.

He walks over to me and kisses my cheek, "Happy Birthday!"

I blush, "Thanks."

He looks down at the cake, "Better hide that from Steve, he'll eat it before anyone else can look at it."

I chuckle, and pick up the cake carefully and place it on top of the refrigerator.

Soda helps me clean up the kitchen, and after, we wait for the others to wake up.

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