Richie Williams

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I decide the next mornin to walk Ponyboy to school. I'm bored.

We reach the school, "Bye, I'll see ya later." I say.

"See ya." Ponyboy mutters and leaves for the school.

I try to avoid this place, it doesn't make me feel very safe. I dig my hands into my pocket,
feeling for my switchblade, somehow having it on me makes me feel better, safer.

I turn around, walking away briskly.

I haven't had much time to think to myself, I've been near someone almost always.

I haven't had many nightmares, and if I do, Soda is always there to comfort me.

I hate walking around alone, it makes me jumpy. That was something I learned quickly when I moved here. Dally had always taught me the important stuff like that.

Dally. I forgot it had been that long since he and Johnny died. Dally and I had never been that close. And when he moved away, I had hated him for leaving me with our abusive father. Only a few weeks before he died, had we mended our scars. I felt a lump in my chest. I needed to think of something else.

I kick a rock out of the way, deciding that I'll go to DX. I need to get working anyway.

As I approach, I see Soda and Steve. Soda is working on a paint job, and Steve is working on the brakes of a car.

I walk over to Soda, careful not to be loud.

"SODA!" I yell behind him. He jumps so high, I could reach up and touch his shoes.

I burst out laughin and snorting. He picks me up does circles, making me dizzy.

"You scared the shit outta me Car, god your evil." He says, grinning recklessly.

I grin back, combing my brown hair back.

"That's what you get fer tryin to make out with me last night." I tease.

"Maybe I'll try again tonight." He says mysteriously. I ignore him.

"Gotta get to work." I say and walk into DX.


We were just about to go on break, when a man walked through the door.

He didn't look at me, and avoided making eye contact. His hair looked familiar, but I couldn't place the memory.

"What's wrong?" I ask, creasing my brow.

"My car brakes aren't workin right." He replies, muttering the words.

His voice sounds familiar too. I was getting suspicious.

"Soda, there's someone here who needs help." I call into the back room.

Soda comes around the corner, and starts looking this man over from head to foot.

"What's the matter?"

"My brakes." The man says shortly, picking up a magazine and flipping through it.

Soda came to stand beside me, "Be right back."

He walked out the door, leaving me here with the familiar man.

The man finally lifts his head up, and I gasp.

I was staring at a face I never wanted to see again. There standing in front of me was my ex boyfriend, the abusive shit that didn't do anything to stop my father from hurting me. There stood Richie Williams, the football star at my old high school in Chicago.

"Hey Caren." He smirks. I manage to close my mouth, and glare at him.

He ignores my gesture, " How have ya been?"

"Fine." I manage to spit out.

"Heard about your brother."

"Don't talk about Dally." I growl.

"Got new friends?"



"Stop askin questions. I never wanted to see you again. Why are you here?" I accuse, glaring.

"Comin through. Heard you were here with your brother."

I didn't believe him, "Why are you really here?"

He leans forward, I lean backward, backing up into the counter.

"Came to warn you."

"About what?"

"Your father is lookin for ya. Got his gang lookin."

"Why should I trust you? You never cared about what my dad did to me." I say, staring him down.

He shrugs, "I still care about you."

"You never cared about me."

"You'd be surprised."

"I don't like you. And besides, I'm taken." I blurt out before I can catch myself.

He looks alarmed. I roll my eyes.

"Who?" He asks, more demanding than ever.

"You don't need to know." I say, trying to shake it off. Although I know he'll persist.

"Who is it?" Annoyance in his voice.

Just then, Soda walks back in. He stops when he sees my face, and how Richie is leaning over the counter.

"How is it?" Richie asks, changing the subject before I can tell Soda what's happening.

"Your brakes look fine, but I'll let Steve to take a look at it." Soda says, not taking his eyes off Richie.

Soda moves past Richie, and gets a drink next to me.

"Steve, can ya take a look at the mustang out front?" Soda calls, and without looking toward us, Steve walks out.

Soda turns his gaze back toward Richie, he points at him, "Where ya from?"

"Chicago." Richie says, he looks annoyed. He still wants to know who I'm dating.

"Nice. Caren is from there too."

I sigh, "Soda, this is Richie Williams. He was my boyfriend back in Chicago. Richie, this is my boyfriend, Sodapop Curtis."

Soda is standing rigid now, and Richie is just smirking at him. Looking from Soda to me.

"Sodapop...interesting name." Richie says.

"Thanks." Soda grumbles. From behind the counter, his hand holds my waist.

"In case you were wondering, Soda treats me much better than you ever did." I say, breaking some tension.

Richie scoffs, and Steve comes back in.

"Your cars fine. Just needed an oil change." Steve says behind Richie.

He walks out of the room, and Richie straightens.

"Later Caren, you've been warned." He says, and walks out of the DX.

I hear his Mustang start up and drive away.

I let out a breath, only to find Soda staring at me.

"What?" I ask.

"What did he mean by 'You've been warned'?" Soda asks, and I sigh. I didn't want to worry him. But I know he'll persist if I don't.

"Apparently, my dad's got his gang lookin for me." I let out. I look at my shoes, kicking the ground.

Soda lifts up my chin, "He'll have to get past the gang. You know we'll never let anything happen to ya."

I smile a little. I feel encouraged.

"Thanks Soda. I know I can count on ya."

He grins, "Lets go to The Dingo to get somethin to eat."

"Okay." I agree.

We find Steve and take the short walk to The Dingo.

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