Part 1

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It all started off as an average day. Well, average in hero in training terms really. The morning sun shined onto the prestigious school of Hero Academy.

Class 1A were sitting in their seats waiting for their teacher: Mr. Aizawa, to walk in or wake up from his nap. Which wouldnt take long since the bell was about to ring.

" Crap, I forgot to do the homework! Denki, can I copy off you?" said the pink skinned Mina as she pulled out a blank worksheet from her bag.

" Well, I would, but I dont think Im gonna be much help. I practically guessed all of it." Kaminari sighed as he placed his hand on the back of his head.

"I can help you if you want?" informed Mineta with an evil smirk on his face.

Mina only frowned and slowly shook her head as she scooted her chair away from him.

"Quiet! Our teacher has just arrived!" shouted Iida in a demanding voice.

He always seemed to know just when Aizawa was coming. It was super strange. No one understood how he did it. But he just did.

The door opened wide, everyone remained silent. Waiting for their teacher to trudge his way into the room. Except, something very strange happened instead. Two men wearing spandex ran into the room. One was wearing a blue leotard and pants with a red cape on his back. While the other wore all black, even his face. The only other color on his outfit was a yellow marking on his chest.

"Hello class, were sorry that your teacher couldnt come in today. So we're gonna be your substitutes." said the one in blue spandex.

All of the students stared blankly as the two began doing roll call. Who were these guys? Where was Aizawa? He rarely missed a day of school. Even if he was in a sluggish mood. Plus, those two were definitely not part of the staff. If they were, how come they havent been mentioned like, at all?

"Now, uh, Sudoku my door would ya?" asked the one blue.

"Its, Izuku. Midoriya." answered a green haired boy in the back.

" Well too bad, Im calling you Sudoku for the rest of class!" exclaimed the man in blue.  "That seems like enough time for attendance. Let's get to learning!"

He didnt even call on Mineta or Momo.

The guy in blue then began writing something on the board. Most likely writing their names. But did they really have to add all of the drawings of penis's?

" My names Danny SexBang and this is Ninja Brian. Just take a moment to take in the radness." exclaimed the man in blue.

" Excuse me, but may I ask which part of the school do you work for?" asked Todoroki.

Danny SexBang froze and his eyes widened. Before quickly standing firm and placing his fists on his hips.

" Well, we work in section 69. We mainly work with the third years." he replied.

" There is no section 69. Not even that many sections." informed Momo.

" Then you clearly havent been there." countered Danny SexBang. " Let's get to knowledge!"

From behind his back came a large hardcover book with dust piled on the top. He slammed it onto his desk and began flipping through the pages.

" Say, Ninja Brian, what do you think these kids should learn about?" SexBang asked the guy dressed in all black.


"Yeah, me too. Thats always a good subject." chirped SexBang as he stopped on a page. " Now class, tell me, what do you know about dinosaurs?"

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