Part 3

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Izuku stood in fear as the leader of the League of Villains stepped toward him. What was he doing here in public? Here to reenact their previous encounter? But why? It'd be stupid to decide to do that. Only would draw attention to himself. What could it be? Oh dear lord, and the same day that Izuku meets one of his idols. Just great.

"W-What are you doing here?!" gasped Izuku as he pressed his back towards the white board behind him.

"Its actually really embarrassing. You know I lead all of those criminals right?" asked Shigaraki.


"Well, you know its a lot to handle? Planning attacks and all."

"Oh I bet it is."

" So, I sometimes have to take days off. Pretty risky, I'm aware. But all that stress just gets me in a bad mood."

"Oh! I completely understand!"

"Yep, gets pretty stressful."

"Everyone deserves a day-off. Even villains! But why were you sitting there doing nothing? Mr. Wecht and I have been discussing for an hour."

"Had a HUGE all nighter! Lot of shit had to be done. I guess I passed out while eating my food or something. "

" Woah, maybe you should've just stayed home. If you passed out like that, its probably best not to go out."

"Ya, ya, but this place has just a calming atmosphere you know?"

"Okay, I see your point."

"Say kid, who is this guy?" asked Dr. Wecht as he raised a brow at this odd fellow.

"Mr. Wecht, I insist that you go find help. This man isn't one to be taken as harmless- oh god!"

Shigaraki charged and grabbed onto Izuku's neck. Next, pulled him up the white board. Leaving his pinky hanging so the boy didn't dissolve.

"But that doesn't matter now. I can just kill you now and solve one of my problems!" hissed Shigaraki.

Meanwhile, Dr. Wecht and the curly haired man looked at each other with a determined look in their eyes.

"Should we?" asked Wecht.

"Its the right time

In an instant, the two began running. Not for help though, instead, they ran behind the whiteboard. A very odd decision to make. Even Shigaraki paused out of confusion. He looked behind the board to see what they were up to and saw that they were doing something odd. Mr. Wecht and the other guy were stripping out of their clothes and putting on costumes inside a box that was at their feet that was marked: TOP SECRET. The man with curly hair saw him and motioned for Shigaraki to look away. Which really didn't need to be told to the villain. That was already way too much for him to see. He turned to Izuku, who was trying as hard as he could to escape.

"So could you tell me why you like that guy again- oh shit!"

Before he could finish his question, an explosion blasted behind the whiteboard. An explosion filled with an array of colors. It caused the boys to fall on their back. Leaving them in a cloud of rainbow. Once he realized that he was free from Shigaraki's grasp, Izuku jolted up and dashed out of the smoke.

"Mr. Wecht?! Where are you?! Are you okay- wait, what is that?"

From inside the fog, flashing light began flickering inside. Revealing silhouettes of figures standing in victorious stances. One was tall and boney, with flowing locks of elegant Jew-Fro. The other, slightly shorter, was muscle bound brute with a deadly glow that pierced through the cloud. At first, Izuku was a little skeptical if it was the real deal. Yet, when the music started play, he started to whimper.

(You may now listen to the song. Might I add that when you hear the lyrics, envision it all taking place at the mall )

As the song went on, Shigaraki came out from the smoke. The walked over to Izuku. Not attacking him though, just viewing everything that Ninja Sex Party was doing.

"Are they supposed to be heroes?" Shigaraki asked.

"I honestly don't know."

Ninja Sex Party stopped their shenanigans and ran over to Izuku. Who froze in place out of fear of being killed by Ninja Brian.

"So my child, have we saved you?" asked Danny SexBang.

"W-What?" mumbled Izuku.

"Have we saved you?" repeated Danny SexBang."Well, you didn't actually do anything."

"Whatever do you mean? We just sang a whole song about how much we kick ass."

"But all you did was run around the mall and terrorized the stores."

"It was all essential for your rescue."

"If anything, you did more harm than good." Shigaraki ranted.

"Please! We are Ninja Sex Party, everything we do is good." exclaimed Danny as he ran his hand through his hair.

"Maybe to stupid children." Shigaraki sarcastically explained.

"Oh yeah?!" shouted Danny as he leaped into the air and kicked the villain in the face.

Well, he tried to. For some reason, the man was going in slow motion. Like in an action movie. Where an attack has to be slow down in order to see it. But was weird is that everything else had remained completely normal speed. He was just awkwardly extending his leg out in mid-air. Shigaraki tilted his head and looked dumbfounded at the stupidity his eyes were baring. he asked "The fuck are you doing?"

"Kicking you in the face. What does it look like?"

"Why are you doing it like that?"

"Because the universe can't handle the awesomeness of how awesome I can kick."

"Sure it isn't just for dramatic effect? I wouldn't judge, but it is a little weird." asked Izuku.

"You know what?! You guys can go eat dicks, this is totally rad!"

Though that really couldn't be said since Shigaraki could've just stepped a little to the left. Making the whole process meaningless. Thankfully though, the villain decided not to do that and just sat there. Why he did that, nobody knows. Perhaps he thought that the kick wouldn't harm him since it wasn't going fast at all. An odd reason, but a likely one.

Yet, once Danny's foot pressed against his face, Shigaraki was thrown across the room! His body smashed the wall he met with and landed in the road. Causing mass amounts of cars to stop their vehicles from running him over. Meanwhile, Izuku stared at him from afar with his legs trembling out of shock. How did he get kicked that far? Danny SexBang was going at one mile an hour!

"Ninja Brian, I feel like our work here is done. That fiend won't be harming anyone or insulting my kickassery. Farwell Sudoku My Door Would Ya!" declared Danny SexBang as he and Ninja Brian ran out of the exit doing a 'naruto run.'

After that, Izuku met up with everyone and he told them of Ninja Sex Party. Without delay, the students contacted the police. Who were unable to find the where abouts of them or Shigaraki. Both parties fleed from the scene just in time to not get caught. The other patrons at the mall also recounted all of the things that Ninja Sex Party had done in the stores as well. Like trying on bras, flipping over stuff, showing off their Kung-Fu, wearing tiny hats, and many more. Izuku didn't even realize that he had a full discussion with Ninja Brian unmasked in public until much later on.

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