Part 6

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Ochako sat in the common room with Tsuyu and Mina. Mina had found this weird video on youtube of this guy eating a thousand pebbles and was laughing up a storm about it.

"Who in their right mind does that?!" she chuckled as she slouched into the couch.

"That couldn't be safe, he has to be eating chocolate rocks or something." said Tsuyu in disbelief.

"Oh no, those are real. I can tell." laughed Mina.

"Well Tsu, can't you hide stuff in your stomach?" reminded Ochako.

"Yeah, but that's do to my quirk." Tsuyu explained " Even then I don't use it often."

"Oh my God! There's a video where he drinks glue!" exclaimed Mina.

Tsuyu went and got a better look at it. Before regretting it from how disgusting it was. So Ochako decided to sit this one out. That was hard to do because Mina was trying to put it in her line of sight. She tried to look the other way, but the volume was high. Ew, she could hear the glue squirting into his mouth. As the vulgar video went on, Ochako noticed someone.

The green haired boy Izuku was standing near the elevator with Jirou. Who had a CD Player in her arms. They seemed to be talking about something. Except Ochako was too far away to hear it. Even then, this was odd, those two rarely spoke to each other.  Let alone have a full conversation. She tried to read their lips to figure out what they were saying. Then she remembered that she was in anime, so every lip movement was roughly the same. In due time, the two ended their conversation and Jirou handed the CD Player over to Izuku. Next, Izuku went into the elevator and went to his floor. While Jirou walked over to a nearby couch.

Feeling a little curious, Ochako got up from her seat and went over to Jirou. Who at the time was checking her phone.

"Hey Jirou, you have a minute?" asked Ochako.

"Uh, sure." Jirou responded as she looked up from her cellular. "What's on your mind?"

"I was just gonna ask what you gave Deku."

"Oh, I just gave him one of my spare CD players. That's it."

"Why? I thought Deku had a music app on his phone already."

"Dunno, he said that he had a disc he needed to listen to or whatever."

"Thanks, that's all I needed to know."

With that in mind, Ochako walked away. Leaving Jirou just a tad bit confused. Even so, she already knew why Ochako was interested in what Izuku was doing. As a result, she went back to her activities.

Meanwhile, up on the second floor. Uraraka stood in front of the first door to the right. It was about a week ago when he had brought it up. An unknown band was playing down at the base of the hill. Plus, having to ask Jirou for a CD player when he already had an app for that on his phone? She tied the strings togethor and made the discovery.

From inside, she could hear the noise of music playing on that CD player. Whatever Izuku was listening to was some type of 'electronic rock'. Something that she never thought he would be into. But, from how geeky Izuku was. That wasn't much of a surprise.

About two good minutes rolled by and the song changed. This time, it had lyrics to it. Whoever was singing had a very techno voice as well. Kind of like a robot or any other science fiction similar to that. This was the point when Ochako decided to finally interrupt. She knocked on the wooden door a few times before the music went silent. Shortly, the sound of foot steps making their way to door became present. Once it stopped, the door immediately opened. Behind it was a flustered Izuku. Who was peeping his head out from the entrance.

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