Part 5

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Izuku stood in the balcony of his room. Gazing into the starry night. Things hadn't been going very well for obvious reasons. Hero training, random villain attacks, and worse of all Ninja Sex Party. The weight on his shoulders from giving off that info still dwelled on him. But, he didn't know it was them! He just thought he was seeing his favorite you tuber that's all! Looking back, they only talked about Midnight's quirk. That's not really too sensitive of details. Right?

In frustration, he dropped his head onto the railing. Trying to figure out his emotions was difficult. Every time he thought of a way to make things sound not as bad, Izuku would immediately scrap it out of his mind. What would this do to make him a better person? Trying to play himself off as the victim?! If only there was someone he could admit this to. Except if he did, could he ever stay in UA after that? Secrets tend to spread like wildfire and this one was definitely the type to do so in a short time. So that wasn't a good idea.

It was hopeless trying to find a solution. Izuku would just have to shove it deep within his brain and hope it wouldn't come back to haunt him. He stood up from his position and went over to the sliding door. Enough star gazing for the night.

"Shoo ba dee bop a' break, break it down."

Hold on, what in God's name was that? Just as the door slide open, Izuku overheard something from the ground level. It was faint, but still audible. Was that somebody scatting just now? Had there been another student out here? Out of curiosity, he went back outside. Before looking at the surrounding balconies for anyone to be there. No one, there hadn't been anybody out besides him. Come to think of it, who would've been able to sound like that? Whoever was singing had a strange voice. It was so... robotic. Like a cyborg in a science-fiction movie.

Did it come from the main floor? Impossible, it was past eight. Students weren't allowed out after that time. But, did someone decide to sneak out? Not a bad theory, but could be possible. So, Izuku stuck his head out. Now that he was concentrating on the sounds, he was able to hear something else. It sounded like music, like actual live music being played. He followed the noise to the entrance gate just over yonder. With the help of the far away street lights, he could make out a small crowd surrounding something. He wasn't able to see because the crowd was facing the gate. So whatever it was had been hidden by the brick wall.

It was probably just an act that a performer was doing. It was obviously a band because of the music. Meaning there wasn't anything to be overworked by. But why would they be doing this outside of a dormitory? Kind of an odd place to do that. Still, it sound pretty good from what Izuku could hear. He decided to stay out for a little bit to listen. Crazy how no one else seemed to notice this. If it was this easy to hear, at least a few of his classmates would come out to see the hubbub. The band played for  a good half hour before ending their little concert. When it did, Izuku was surprised that he stayed out there that long. It was a school night and he had to get to sleep. Immediately, he went inside his room and got into bed.

The next day, things were the same as usual. During lunch, he told Ochako, Iida, Tsuyu, and Todoroki about the music he overheard the previous day.

"Did you guys hear it?" Izuku asked.

"Heard nothing the entire night." responded Ochako.

They each had that same response or something similar. Todoroki said that he did hear something. But he perceived it as someone playing music in the dorms.

"Well if there is someone is performing outside of the school then we should report that." Iida stated." It was most likely Ninja Sex Party."

"Oh God, don't mention them." Ochako complained "I'm getting serious PTSD thinking about it."

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